Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 67

November 16, 2009

Well I am staying here in Los Alamitos for my last transfer! I am so relieved and excited! When the district leader called he played a mean trick. He made it seem like one of us was leaving. He told Sister Taulanga that she was staying and then he made it sound like I was leaving. It killed me but he told me you are going to Los Alamitos. We were both excited! Yeah! I truly love this area and there is no other place I would rather end my mission. This week has been a pretty good week. I didn't cry! We had a great time with the sisters last week. We played volleyball and ate some good food and just enjoyed everyone's company. I was super sore afterwards though. It was so good to see my old friends! I love all of these girls so much! There were only two that I hadn't met yet but now I know them all. Except for the 2 that flew in this morning. I hope that we have an activity together once more before I leave. We had a great first lesson with the Beaudoin's. It is always a challenge to teach a lesson that you know they have already had in the past. We tried to change it up a little. It went very well but as always the first vision was interupted. Someone knocked on the door right as I was bearing testimony of it. I told them after she left that that always happens. They thought it was pretty funny. Thursday we met some interesting people at the park. I tried to get their address so that we could go and visit them and teach them some more but they didn't want to hear it. They left real quick after that. We helped Kelly make some goodie bags for Mikey and Maddie's birthday party. They were pretty intense. We sewed them and embroidered them. It was no small task. Mikey and Maddie turned 5. They are so funny. Kelly and I sang in church on Sunday. I was super nervous because I didn't have a whole lot of time to practice. It went very well though. Someone came up to me and said "What's next? The Violin?" I replied actually I do play the violin but that is a musical talent that I have not practiced and keep hidden. It was pretty funny, I thought, that she would choose an instrument that I actually played. When we were at dinner Sunday the members we were eating with asked Sister T what her hidden talent was and when she was going to share it. She said I don't have musical talent. We had a good laugh. Brandi was sitting in front of me and Kelly and told us that we could sing anytime that we wanted. I am grateful that I could share my testimony in the ways that I love. The song that Kelly and I sang was about missionary work and feeding His sheep. One member, Sister Hale, made the comment to me that it was a beautiful sight to see me as a missionary singing with a recent convert about sharing the gospel. It truly was beautiful. I love this gospel and I love my mission. Sister Fannin came back home. It was getting lonely without her here. She is leaving again in a couple of weeks and is coming back the day that I fly home so I won't get to see her. funny that we will be in Utah at the same time. I am trying to think of what else happened this week but I am drawing a blank right now. We are having a combined zone conference this week and I am super excited! Both Sister Lauchner and Sister Haycock will be there with us! I love being with other missionaries, especially the other sisters! I am always excited to see President Sexton as well. He is a great man. I know that I was sent here to serve with him. I needed his love and counsel to help me prepare to return to my Father in Heaven. So I just remembered something big that happened this last week. Kenady and Brandy( two young women who were baptized in oct and sept) went to the temple and did baptisms for the dead! I was so so so excited for them and wished that I could have gone with them! The young women's president said that they were in awe when they saw the font. It is a special experience to be in the temple and to feel the spirit there. They both told us all about it when we saw them again. I know that this gospel is true with all my heart! There is nothing more important than living the gospel and preparing ourselves to live with our Heavenly Father again. My heart aches more everyday as I talk to people who don't understand and don't want to understand. This is the message the world needs and they don't even know it. How grateful I am for my testimony and the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father. I hope that you all have a wonderful week! I love you all so much! Thank you for all of your love and support! I could never do it alone!
Love Sister Mickelsen

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