Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Her Last Week!

Steph is in her last week, we are all having a hard time believing it. We are all very excited to see her. Her last week will be a great one! The rest of her Sweet Family will be baptized on the 26th. We are all very excited for the Beaudion family. I know they read this. So from our family to yours. We are so blessed to have the Gospel in our lives. We can't imagine what our lives would be like without it. We know that you too will not know how you ever lived without it. We all look forward to the day we get to meet you. Thank you for sharing your sweet spirits with our Stephanie!

Week 72

December 22, 2009

Well I can hardly believe that this is my last email from California. It has been a crazy week. A lot of things have happened. It was Sister Taulanga's birthday on Saturday. I had asked someone if they had ever had asphalt pie awhile ago and Sister T has wanted it for her birthday ever since. I didn't know what to get her for her birthday and I wanted to make it special. The Beaudoin's were having us over for dinner so I decided to have them make it and have it be a surprise. It is pretty difficult to pull off a surprise when you are with a person 24/7. However I decided to try. I wrote a note for Brandi and gave her instructions and money to get the groceries. The only cash I had was a 50 dollar bill. Sister T was mad that I had written a note not on Pday. I didn't care if she was mad because I knew that it was different than she thought. She asked if it was for the Beaudoin's and I said yes. She was less mad. It set me up perfectly to go over there and give it to them without question. Kenady was a little shocked that I was giving them $50. I told her to trust me and read the note. She did and all was well. That end was covered. Then I had to figure out how to deal with Sister T. She kept asking and asking and I would say "We'll see". Our dinner appointment cancelled friday night which meant that we would be at home with plenty of time to make it. She was excited I however didn't know what to do. Then the next morning while exercising I tripped and fell. I fell on the asphalt and cut up my knee and hand pretty good. There was still a lot of dirt in it after cleaning it and I didn't want to scrub it myself. So I called Sister Sexton to see what I should do and if there was anything else I could do. I didn't want it to get infected. They instructed that I should go to the doctor. So we went to Long Beach and went to the doctor. L&L, an amazing restaurant, and one of our favorites was across the street. I decided to tell Sister T that that was her birthday from me and that we weren't going to make asphalt pie. She was super sad but I told her I would make it for her for Christmas. That satisfied her. I sighed a breath of relief. I just prayed that it would all work out. It was all good and then Kenady called in the afternoon and asked a question. My answer made Sister T a little suspicious but we ended up pulling it off and she was surprised. Man it was a headache. To add to the stress of my falling we left our cell phone at the doctor's office and then had to go back and get it. Luckily we discovered it before they closed for the weekend. I know that our Heavenly Father helped us out. Our plans fell through and if I hadn't looked in my planner and saw that we needed to call someone we wouldn't have discovered it until it was too late. God is in all of the details. We just have to listen. So anyway it was a crazy time. We went to the ghetto on Saturday. It freaked me out a little but we were fine. The elders gave us a referral for someone they are teaching. They could never find a priesthood holder to go with them so they turned her over to us. She was so funny. Half the time I couldn't understand her. She is very intelligent and she kept referring to all of these famous people that I didn't know and I just smiled and knodded my head. She doesn't have time for us to come back until after I come home but she is a nice lady. I think that she will be baptized. I am so excited for the Beaudoin's baptism this weekend! I can hardly believe that it is here. We have been talking about it for months and it is finally here. Satan is working hard but they are holding on. Brandi tells me that Saturday can't come soon enough. They are amazing! This will be the best Christmas ever! At dinner the other night President Hale told them that this was the best gift that they could give their kids this year. I believe it. This is what Christmas is about. Remembering the Savior and the reason that we exist. Their baptism enters them on the road to an eternal family. What is better than that? Funny story. So the Hale's(an amazing family in the ward) came as surprise guests to Sister T's birthday dinner. They were telling us how they met and then Jeff and Brandi told some stories. At the end President Hale said "Now we will be waiting to hear how you met your husband in February". Everyone laughed and I said I don't think so. I will take that road when I get there. Last night I had dinner with President Sexton and his family and elders Hodson, Orr and Neilsen. We ate homemade chicken noodle soup with mashed potatoes. One of my favorite meals of all time! It was so good. I wanted seconds but I was full so I didn't eat anymore. I wouldn't have enjoyed the rest of the evening. Afterwards we had a testimony meeting. We sang a missionary hymn that only exists in the spanish hymnbook. One of my favorites "Placentero nos es Trabajar" and then I offered the prayer. I was in tears before I even began. President gave us some words of counsel. One of the things that liked best was about obedience. He told us that the reason that we have the spirit is because we are obedient not because of the schedule that we live. We don't have to maintain that same exact schedule that we live now in order to remain as we are now. All we have to do is continue to be obedient to the laws that are given to us. I really liked that insight. He counseled us to always act and look like a returned missionary so that we will be ready to serve in any capacity. If we do that then we won't have to make changes to be ready to accept the call, we will already be ready. I really am going to miss them. They are so good. Well I hope that you all have a wonderful week! Merry Christmas to all! I love you and look forward to seeing all of you again! Thank you for all of your love and support that you have given me while serving. I couldn't have done it without all of your love and prayers. They will get me through these last days as a missionary. I have grown so much over the last 17 months and I owe all to my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that this church is true with all my heart. I know that God lives and that He is mindful of all of us. He stands with open arms waiting for us to embrace Him. I am grateful for Jesus Christ and His atonement. We would be nothing without him and we are everything because of Him . I know that we can be together forever if we live faithfully and do the best that we can. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. I love you!
Love Sister Mickelsen

Monday, December 21, 2009

Week 71

December 15, 2009

Hello Everyone!I hope that you are all doing well. It has been a pretty good week. It was colder than normal. I guess it is preparing me a little for the return, although I know that it will be much colder in Utah. It has warmed back up though. It was in the 70's today. I am trying to soak up all the sunshine that I can. Monday and Saturday it rained all day. Saturday it stopped when we came home for lunch. Of course we didn't have anything scheduled so we were walking and driving around trying to get find people to let us in but there weren't too many home. It was a rough day for me. I came home and shed some tears and read some pick me up letters. It was exactly what I needed. Sunday brought peace as well. It is so hard to leave. Some days are harder than others but I just keep going. Today has been a beautiful long day. We went to the mission home so that I could attend the temple with the Sexton's and the elders who are returning home with me. We went to the Newport Beach Temple! I was excited! I have been to both the LA and the Newport temple twice. It was perfect. It is so beautiful! They had a wonderful nativity scene displayed out in front. It was wonderful to be in the temple. I cried when I got to the celestial room. I had so many feelings and thoughts and it was a bit overwhelming. But I just prayed and felt the love of my Heavenly Father. When we left I was at complete peace. I know there is an unknown road ahead but I know that it will be ok. President took time to talk to each of us individually. He truly is a remarkable man. He told me that it wouldn't be long and I could come and visit them in Idaho. I told him that I would be up there a lot. He has had an amazing impact and influence on my life. I will never forget him or my mission. I thought about all of the people that we have taught and baptized and the wonderful families that I have met. My heart is full. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. We had a bunch of activities that we went to this week. We attended activity days and helped them collect food. We also were with the Young Women and made gingerbread houses. I think that was my first time ever. We made the MTC. It was pretty awesome. We always make everything missionary. I guess it is good that we think about missionary work in all we do. I am so excited for the Beaudoin's! I can't believe that their baptism is almost here! I love them all so much! This area truly is amazing! I am humbled to finish my mission here. The members are amazing and they love us so much! We have been bombarded with food and gifts and love! It will be hard to leave all of them. I hope that you all have a wonderful week! I am sorry that this is so short! It has been a crazy busy day! We were able to spend some time with Sisters Lauchner and Vea. We went to the beach so that I could see it one more time. I am going to miss my dear friends that I have made here in California. The elders wish that they could stay one more week with me. I am grateful and excited for these last 2 weeks. I look forward to the miracles that await. God loves us and wants us to be happy! Until next week!
Love Hermana Mickelsen

Week 70

December 8, 2009
Well another week has come and gone. It just keeps ticking! We are doing good here in Los Alamitos. I am still sick but now I have some medicine. The doctor says I have a sinus infection, hooray! Hopefully I will get better soon. Saturday we had a baptism and it was beautiful! Annie was baptized. She has been preparing since I got here in August. Her husband baptized her; he has had a long journey. The spirit was very special as always. It ran very smoothly which I was grateful for. I was worried that there would be a lot of chaos. It was the ward Christmas party that night and there was a primary activity. We needed the primary room and that was also the room they were using for Santa and it was going to be decorated. We got there and it was all good. The font was being filled and the chairs were all set up. She wanted it quiet, not too many people so there were almost more missionaries than members. It was funny. I love baptisms. I just love seeing the gospel change someone's life. The ward Christmas party was fun. We ate a good dinner and were sent home with a bunch of leftovers. We will be eating them for the entire week. We had fun doing service at We Care. They too sent us home with a bunch of food. They had gotten a lot of bakery items so they sent some with us because it would go bad too fast. Yeah for free food! I really enjoyed Sunday. It was a little emotional for me but all was well. I debated about sharing my testimony but the spirit helped me decide. I don't think I could have forgiven myself if I didn't bear witness publicly for the last time as a missionary in fast and testimony meeting. Just the thought brought tears to my eyes. It was very brief because I was going to cry hard if I said anything more. We were able to attend the Christmas Devotional. It was so good! I just loved it. Every time they pull up SLC I get a little sad but this time it was different. There was excitement to see home but a heart breaking feeling to realize how close it was. It just hurts inside to think of it ending. Monday brought rain and cold. Boy did it turn cold. Probably not cold like where all of you are but it was cold! My shoes have holes in them so my feet were soaked. I had to switch them when we came home for lunch. We helped Sister Fannin. She is such a sweet lady! I am going to miss her! We helped her take down wallpaper in her bathroom. It only took us an hour or so. Sister T said it was the missionary power that we have. I thought that was funny. I think it was listening to Doris Day Christmas. We helped at young womens this week. They played the amazing race: Virtue. It was a really cool activity. They would be able to pass off all of their personal progress for virtue except the project. This ward is doing a 24 activity the day I come home. They are going to read the Book of Mormon the entire time. They asked us to come and talk for a little. I am sad that I won't be there. I love the youth! We are having a Christmas party/lunch with the Sexton's today. I am super excited! It will be fun. Some of the other hermana's are going to be there. I don't remember all of the elders who are serving in the zones that are coming but I am sure that I will know some of them. I love being a missionary. I am soaking up every last ounce! I love all of you and hope that you have a wonderful week! Keep smiling and remember to give all that you can to those around you!
Love Sister Mickelsen

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


It's really happening, we got her flight plans yesterday!!! YAY! She is very excited to be able to spend Christmas in Long Beach. We are excited to be able to have two Christmases! Thanks for all your love and support!

Week 69

December 1, 2009

I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had an enjoyable Thanksgiving. We went district meeting and then did our weekly planning. Afterwards we went to a member's home, the Tate's. I was a little nervous because I don't know them that well. We loved it though! We laughed and really enjoyed ourselves. We were talking about names or something and it reminded me of Sister Na'a and our visit to the ER. So I was telling them the story and I told them that she had an anxiety attack. They asked what had caused it. Side note, everyone at the Tate's including Sister Taulanga are all Utah fans. In response to the question Sister Taulanga said. "It was because she was too close to BYU". Everyone just started laughing. We laughed and laughed for a good ten minutes. I myself was laughing and had to admit that that was a pretty good one. It was a great memory. Good times! We didn't have any pie because the kids don't like pie but we did have the most amazing carrot cake that I have ever eaten. It was so good and moist! It usually isn't my favorite but this one was way good! Afterwards we went over the Pierson's. I love the Pierson's. They are from Canada and they made a minced nog pie. It was mix between a minced meat pie that had an egg nog custard on top. It was very different but it was good. We had some more laughs there. Sister Pierson had a ball that was attached to a string. She was sitting on the couch and decided to try and see if she could hit the wall with the ball. So she did and she hit her daughter right on the head. We all just laughed. She tried again and did the same thing. It was so funny. Sister Pierson was laughing so hard that she was crying. It reminded me of mom when she laughs hard. Good good times. I am excited to spend Christmas with them. Friday night we had a repeat of Thanksgiving dinner. It was good. I always love turkey and cranberry sauce. Saturday I woke up and wasn't feeling too well. I rested for a little and then woke up even more sick. I couldn't breathe. We stayed in until we had an appointment. I felt bad because my nose was just dripping. I didn't shake hands with anybody and just kept wiping my nose. I just felt miserable. Sunday was more of the same. My nose wasn't running but I felt disgusting. Several people told me to go home but I didn't. I wasn't going to skip out on church. Sister Hale brought over a whole bag of good things, some vitamin C, bananas, otter pops, crackers, soup and a box of Kleenex. It made feel better just knowing that someone cared. Jeff Beaudoin made me some homemade chicken soup. I didn't eat any that night because I couldn't taste and I didn't have an appetite but I enjoyed it the next day. It is great to have people that love us all around us. I am feeling much better today than I was then. I still don't feel 100% but I am definitely better than before. I want to be better so that I can finish strong. But I am trying to take it as easy as I can so that I don't get worse. We are having a baptism this weekend! I am super excited! Annie is going to be baptized by her husband. She is a sweetheart and has been coming to church for a long time. She is ready and excited! We are excited as well. We have been teaching some recent converts of Elder Anderson. They moved into our area a couple of months ago. They are so fun. We really love them and are grateful that we can teach them. Sister Fannin went out of town for the holiday. It is always so quiet without her here. We love her! She is so funny and takes good care of us. Oh I think I forgot to tell you! Last week Sister Taulanga's little sister got her mission call and is headed to Atlanta Georgia. She enters the MTC on jan 27th. They will have 3 missionaries out until June! Crazy! We had our interviews with President on Wednesday. I didn't want to be first but he always takes the sisters first and sister T didn't want to go first so I did. It was good to visit with him. He had us share our testimonies with him. He told me that I was going home by myself. The elders that are going home with me are going home a week before me. Someone had told me that they were going to send us home for Christmas but I didn't want to go home for christmas. No offense! I know that you will all be there when I come home and I only get to finish my mission once. I didn't want to end it a week early. President can't send me home for Christmas because it would be too early. The reason that the elders are going home before Christmas is because they entered the MTC before Christmas and so they are going home on their actual release date. That will be a little weird to be all alone but luckily it is a short flight. A guy came up to me on Sunday and started talking to me. Sister T was in the bathroom and I was waiting outside the door. Lucky for me Brandi was standing by the door warming in the sun. It is always freezing in the church. It is colder inside that it gets outside. Anyway, he asked me how I was and I told him that I was sick. He then stepped a little too close and said that he wanted me to get him sick. It was so AWKWARD! Brandi felt the awkwardness for me. I played it pretty coold but man it was not fun. Last week he gave me a bunch of candy and came to find me and ask a random question. That is why we are never alone. I am sure he means no harm but man it sure makes for some awkward moments. Well I hope that you all have a wonderful week this week! I can hardly believe that it is Decemeber again! The Christmas season is upon us. At church on Sunday we talked about things that we can do to bring Christ at the center of our homes for this CHRISTmas season. I hope that we all take time to ponder what we can do each day to make this season what it is about. To love a little more, to give a little more and to think of others more than ourselves. That is what Christ would do if he were here today. That is He what tries to help us do. That is why we have the spirit. To help us feel His love and have a desire to share it with others! I love all of you and look forward to writing again next week!
Love Sister Mickelsen

Week 68

November 24, 2009

Hello everyone! I hope that this letter finds everyone doing well. I am doing great! It has been a wonderful week! We had zone conference on Friday. It was fun to be with the other sisters. We had a combined mission conference so there were 8 sisters there. There was a very sweet spirit there. I didn't want it to end. We took a mission picture which was fun. President talked for the majority of the meeting. Usually we have some trainings and such but he just talked to us. Sister Sexton and President Bradsfield also spoke. It is tradition for the departing missionaries to bear their testimony. I knew that it was coming but I had no idea what to say. I had no idea who was coming home with me. President told us at the beginning that I was going home with 3 other elders. I was surprised to find out that there was a small number returning home. One of the elders was there with me but he didn't bear his testimony. President had me and the assistants bear our testimonies. It went well. I teared up a little but I didn't lose control. For that I was grateful. I didn't want to cry my way through it. I didn't do it alone. My Heavenly Father helped me out as always. It is hard to believe that I won't have another zone conference. President said that Sister Choi won't be leaving until March. We thought from the beginning that we would be companions and that we would go home together in February. We were wrong but we are still friends even though we never served together. Some of the elders there realized that I came in after them and that I am going home. They realized that their time is short too. It was pretty funny. We had a yummy thanksgiving dinner complete with pumpkin pie. It was a good preview. We sang 'Called to Serve'. There was a sweet spirit. It was a really great day. I didn't want it to end. All good things have to come to an end. We have had some great lessons with the Beaudoins this week. I really just love them with all my heart. Satan is working hard as always but they are so strong. Everyday they amaze more and more. It is a beautiful experience to see the gospel take hold on someone's life. Kenady got her first calling! They all have incredible testimonies that continue to grow everyday. The Lord truly does prepare each of us and He works miracles. We went to a baptism for the elders on Sunday. It was someone in the singles ward. I'm not going to lie, I felt super awkward. In my head I said, I am going to stay in the family ward for a good long time. I felt so out of place, granted I am a missionary still but it still felt weird. Anyway, life is good here in California. It is starting to get a little cold in the mornings and at night. I'm not complaining. Everyone tells me I need to wear a coat but I much like my dad. If I was out walking then I would wear one but I'm not going to carry it from house to house. I am going to enjoy this California weather while I can. We had dinner the other night with some sweet old ladies. There are 3 sisters that have never been married and they live together. They are a riot! I just love them. It was a very pleasant evening with lots of good food. Funny story! So we were at the Larsen's for dinner on Wednesday. They have 6 kids and it is always chaos. We were eating our dessert and Ryan who is four was just chillin. He decided that he was done. He still had some ice cream and cake on his plate. He went to get up but lost his balance. We were all watching him and he started to fall but he made sure to push the plate up on the table. The plate landed on the table and he landed on the floor. We all started laughing. His mom was grateful that she didn't have to clean up a mess since he had already dropped his first plate of cake. When we left he was still saying "save the ice cream!" It was the highlight of the day. Well I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! The holiday season is here! I hope that we all take time to really thank our Heavenly Father for all of our countless blessings. We are truly so blessed to have the knowledge of the gospel and the peace of returning with our loved ones. I know with all my heart that this gospel is true. I know that Joseph Smith was the instrument in bringing the gospel back to the earth so that we could all enjoy the blessings of the priesthood and of eternal salvation. God lives. He loves us and is watching over us. I love each and everyone of you! You are always in my prayers! Have a wonderful week! Thank you for all of your love and support! I could never do it without all of you love and prayers! I will be forever grateful for my wonderful family and friends! There are not words enough to express that truest feelings of gratitude in my heart! It was not until I left on my mission that I truly realized how blessed I truly am.
Love Sister Mickelsen