Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 27

Hi Everyone,
Well it turned cold here in Southern Cali. We got tons of rain and we got wet. One morning we went out and I had to cross a river to be behind the car so I could back Sister Hoover out. I didn't quite make it and my whole left leg was soaked. What a great way to start the day. Next rain season I will be senior companion. This week has been a week full of service. We spent time with Gretchen because she was doing very well. Andrew Wheeler helped out as well. Even though Gretchen was coughing hard and was out of breath at the slightest movement, she refused to go to the doctor. So we played behind her back and had the Bishop go over and he took her to the ER. He is so wonderful. She was admitted with pneumonia and was told that she had had a heart attack 10 days ago. She came home yesterday and all is well. She was pretty bad though. We are grateful that she is doing better. So I have a funny story for you. So we were in PEC on Sunday and Brother Boyce who is the Young Men's president had a concern he wanted to share. He was hesitant because he didn't know if anyone would understand him. He is from Utah and everyone, including himself, calls him an "Utahrd". Bishop Johnson told him to tell us and that if they didn't understand then I could translate for them because I too am a "Utahrd". Bishop said not only that but she can speak Spanish so she is a "Spantard". We were all laughing pretty hard. On Friday we were trying to find people home so that we didn't have to be out in the rain. Our regular appointment cancelled and we tried about 3 less actives who all were busy or not home. After visiting Sister Sawyer we went back to our car and ran into a young man. He asked if we were Mormon and we said yes. He was surprised that we were out working in the rain. We got in our car and he came over and asked us to roll the window down. He began telling us that we were wrong because in Galatians it says that if an angel comes down and preaches any gospel that is different from mine it will be wrong. We explained to him that God and Jesus Christ came first to restore the same gospel in the bible. He told us we were wrong and that the Book of Mormon was wrong. We asked if he had read it and he said no but that he knew it wasn't the word of God. Sister Hoover told him that she knew it was true and that the only way you could know was by reading it and asking God. Her voice wasn't rude but very powerful. It freaked me out a little. The guy didn't know what else to say and told us to have a good day. Sunday we had an investigator at church. Miguel came with his girlfriend and their kids. We need to get them married before we can baptize him. A lot of people knew her and her brother so we will have some great fellowship there. We had a great lesson with the Bautista's last night about the importance of church. Cleo is torn between her sons. She wants to be with her boys at church but wants to support her other son in soccer. It is very difficult for her. She wants to be there and she wants the young boys to be there too. With time they will come around. We just need to keep moving forward in faith. I know this church is true and I love it with all my heart. There is nothing that I would rather be doing. I love each and every one of you so much! Thanks for the notes from Sunday. I enjoyed hearing from all of you! I have the best family in the world! We are so blessed to have the gospel in our lives and the hope in the life to come. We know that we can all be together forever if we live faithfully and do our part. What a wonderful promise! I love you!
Have a wonderful week!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 26

Well it has been a wonderful week! A week of miracles for me and Sister Hoover. Tuesday night after our meetings with the ward mission leader and Bishop Johnson we were headed to the car. When we came out of the Bishop's office a lady stopped us and introduced to her 14 year old daughter who wanted to be baptized. We got their phone number from the Bishop and have been making preparations to teach her. We were so excited! Wednesday we had a good day. We went to the Bautista's to teach them English. It was fun. Cleo wanted help knowing how to say things to help her find a job. She is a seamstress and I don't know how to translate those words very well. I gave her a couple of phrases to use. She is so funny. It is interesting to watch people learn English because I am looking in a mirror. I see how I struggled and definitely have more patience than I used to. Thursday we had an amazing district meeting! Elder Sheets is
our new district leader. He is so great! We talked about planning and how we can make it more effective to help us in our work. Making sure that we have an Important activity planned for every hour of the day. After the meeting Elder Sheets told us that he felt inspired that everyone in our district should receive a priesthood blessing of comfort and counsel. I had wanted a priesthood blessing but I always get a little prideful. I don't want to be a needy sister missionary. He gave me and Sister Hoover blessings and it was truly amazing. It was a testimony to me that my Father in Heaven truly is aware of my needs and desires. Elder Sheets had no idea what I needed in my life right now but he was the instrument in which Heavenly Father used to comfort me and give me the strength that I need. It was really wonderful. An answer to my prayers. We had dinner with the Johnson's which is always a treat. You never know what kind of a mood the girls are going to be in. We had a family history activity and we helped Sister Johnson set up after dinner. She was grateful that we had offered. She didn't know what she was going to do. The only daughter that didn't have important obligations was Liz who is 8. Not the best age for quick help. It was fun. I love the Johnson family. Bishop claimed us as his daughters on Sunday. The High Priest Group Leader was taking out the lack of communication on us because we were present. Bishop told him to treat us nicely because we were his daughters. We love Bishop Johnson! Friday was a busy day. We had a lesson
with the Capps. I told him that if he wasn't at church on Sunday that I would be over after church asking him where he was. We went and visited Gretchen and found out that Monica was in the ER and that it was her second time that week. Her little baby Jaedyn who is teething has a cold, both ears are infected and an eye infection. His eyes had so much goop that when he would wake up his eyes would be caked shut. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. We had them call their home teacher, President Chase to come over and give her a blessing. Evie brought us home golden spoon so we went to their house to pick it up. I met all of the Wheeler's. They are all so crazy and different. I just love that family. Their granddaughter was blessed on Sunday so everyone was in town. It made me a little sad to see what was happening at home but Heavenly Father kept me busy. Saturday we visited a referral with Andrew Wheeler. He was a perfect match for the guy. They live really close as well so it will be some great fellowship for us. We had dinner with the Bautista's. It was really good. It was Cesar's birthday but the family didn't do anything for him. It was sad. They are all mad at him. Sunday was a marvelous day! Saturday night Elder Sheets called and asked if we could pray as a district for the people we wanted at church. We had 3 out of the 5 show up. I have never had 3 investigators at church. Nick was one of them. He has been to church several times but we hadn't been given the green light to teach him yet. In ward council the young men's president told us that he had talked to his mom and she said that it was time. He is ready for the lessons. We are very excited! I think that will happen very quickly and we are going to involve the young men. When sacrament started he was the only one there. During the sacrament hymn, the Capps walked in and the Bautista's did with their cousin Aurora. It was truly a miracle. The Lord is opening the door. Noma wasn't able to make it but we taught her at Sister Wiseman's house after church. Sister Wiseman bore her testimony directly to brother and sister Capps. It was truly amazing. I think we are making a huge headway with Brother Capps. We had lunch with Sister Wiseman after church. It was my turn to give the thought. We talked about Alma 5:60. It talks about the Good Shepherd and how if we are in his fold he will protect us from the ravenous wolves who seek to destroy us. It is so true. The gospel of Jesus Christ will protect us more than we can imagine. Satan sends out some pretty nasty wolves to try and destroy everything good in our lives. Yesterday was amazing! We had zone conference. I just love zone conference! The spirit is always so amazing and leave very uplifted and edified. We talked a lot about making our studies and planning more effective to make every other aspect of the work the same. President taught us the plan of salvation and then we broke it down and talked about it. We made it to the Garden of Eden and the Fall and we talked for over an hour. He opened my mind to insight that I had never seen before. It was all there in the scriptures I had just never connected the dots that way. It was definitely some deep doctrine. I was blown away. We talked about the tree of life. He showed us how Jesus Christ is the tree of life and that Jesus Christ is the Love of God. It's pretty cool. Read the vision in 1 Nephi 8 and then read it in 11. It is truly amazing. I didn't cry in my interview like I usually do. I choked a little but there were no tears. He had us share something from our study journals. I love having gospel discussions with him. The Beach Ward fed us lunch. I just love the Beach ward. Andrew Wheeler came and I have never seen him so quiet. After zone conference we had Osvaldo follow us to the Wheeler's. He is going to live with them for a couple of weeks or so. He doesn't get any sleep at home when he gets off work. It was pretty entertaining. His English isn't very good but it will help to learn it quicker. He is excited to be there with them. They Wheeler's really are such a great family. We had 3 family home evenings last night. We had dinner with the Jenkins and then went to Monica and Gretchen's and then to the Bautista's. We talked about unity and then played Human knot. It was pretty easy because there were only 6 of us. Well I hope you all have a wonderful week! I can't believe that February is here. Where does the time go? Happy Birthday Clarissa Jane and Trent. I hope you have a wonderful day today! I love all of you and pray for you always! H. Mickelsen