Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 53

August 11,2009

Hello dear family and friends! I hope you are all doing well. I am doing great! At the beginning of last week I didn't know how we were going to make it through the week. As the week progressed the few appointments we had fell through. Needless to say we did a lot of praying and looking. We were able to find a family. We didn't find any new investigators the previous week and we have been trying to find people but haven't been very successful. I was praying hard that we would be able to find someone and that we would know what to say. We had gone through the area books to find some potential people to try. We stopped by one of them and I prayed before we went to the door that if he didn't answer and someone else did that they would be receptive and that I would have the courage to ask them to learn as well. Juan answered the door; he wasn't the man we were looking for. He didn't have time then to listen but said we could come back and teach his family. The Lord really does answer prayers. Our district meeting this last week was on our accountability to the Lord through our prayers. I have seen a difference as I have truly given an accounting of my day and help for meeting our goals. Prayer can always be improved. We should evaluate often because we can get in a routine very easily. We had an amazing sacrament meeting on Sunday. The speakers talked about the importance of family home evening. I just had tears in my eyes. The blessings that come from holding family home evening are amazing. We are promised protection from the world and strength as a family. I made it a goal and promised Heavenly Father that I would always have family home evening. Sister Haycock and I are doing great! I had a dream the other night that she was going to train next transfer. I hope it doesn't come true. I still want to be with her. We will see what happens. Well time is short and I gotta run but I love all of you so much! Thanks for your prayers and love and support! Have a great week and I will write soon! Love, Sister Mickelsen

Week 52

August 4, 2009

Hello! Well it has been a marvelous week! We have been teaching a lot! We had several lessons with Natalie to prepare her for her baptism. She is absolutely amazing! She told us Saturday that her family was supportive but even if they weren't she would have been baptized. She said that when she knows that something is that true she would do anything. She is going to be a great addition to the church. She has amazing faith and has had remarkable experiences that have been preparing her for her baptism. She was baptized by Barry on Saturday. IT was so wonderful! I was a little worried because she was late. She called us and told us that she was on her way. Four o'clock came and she still wasn't there. The baptism was scheduled for 4. Turns out that she was so excited that she didn't pay attention as she was driving and drove right past the church and didn't realize it for awhile. It was pretty funny. I was just grateful that Satan didn't win. We had some trouble with her interview too. She got stuck in LA but it all worked out. I love going to baptisms because the spirit is so strong. It helps me remember the joy of being a member and the sweetness that the spirit brings to each of our lives. We haven't had any success in finding new investigators. I am running out of ideas. I just pray and pray and pray. I know that they are out there. We are still teaching a lot. It feels good to teach in every situation. It has been a little warm here. I have started to just pull my hair back. There is no sense in straightening it because it ends up in a ponytail anyway. There are more important things. I love being a missionary. I know I say that all the time but it is the truth. Sister Haycock and I are doing great. We just keep working and doing our best. We are finishing each others thoughts and sentences. I love that! The church is true! God is in control. He is very aware of our individual situations and is always looking for a way to bless us. I love all of you and I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and that we can live together forever! Have a wonderful week! Sister Mickelsen

Week 51

July 28, 2009

Hello everyone!I hope this letter finds everyone happy and well. This week has been incredible! I have started reading my journal over and it is fun to see what it was like the first few days of my mission. That first week was pretty rough but I made it and here I am today. I have truly felt a difference within myself and know that it is the gospel that has changed my life. Well let me tell you about this week. We had a marvelous zone conference on Wednesday. I love zone conference! We talked about sanctification and conversion. It was amazing! I will tell you one thing that impressed me. President talked about how our Heavenly Father called us to our missions not only for the people but for us. He said that we were sent to this mission because this was the best chance we had to become truly sanctified and converted. It really hit me. I know that I needed to be here with President Sexton. He is a remarkable man with such a big heart. I know I needed him in my life to help me make it back to my Heavenly Father. He told us that he doesn't care how many baptisms we have as much as he cares about our personal salvation. He placed us next to his family. It was very touching. I love my mission and my mission president! The stake president in the Huntington Beach North stake talked to us. He told us that we need to seek the spirit and then go. We only receive inspiration and revelation when we are on the go. It's true. We can't pray for the spirit and then expect him to do all the work. We have to do our part and exercise faith before miracles happen. We received permission from President to teach Natalie. Natalie and Barry are planning on getting married and moving into the 1st ward. We are so excited! She is amazing! We have taught her every other day so that she can have enough time to study in between. She reads the Book of Mormon everyday and even takes it in the car and everywhere she goes! She wishes it was Saturday. She is absolutely remarkable! We have gone to several members homes so that we can teach them. Sometimes I'm not quite sure who and where but then a family will pop into my head. I ask them and they are available and excited and then they are a perfect match for the lesson and Natalie. We have a wonderful ward! I love being a missionary! Sister Haycock and I are doing great! We come home exhausted. I don't think I have ever been so tired in my life. The Matthews made it home on Saturday. It was sure good to see them! I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw them. They are so good. The elders came over the other night to teach the Matthews and didn't realize that we lived there. It was pretty funny. I hope that you all have a wonderful time at the reunion! You will all be in my prayers! I can't believe it has already been a year! I have the best family and friends in the whole world! Thanks for all of your love and support and prayers! You are the best! Love Sister Mickelsen

Week 50

July 21, 2009
Well it has been a very great week here in Fountain Valley. Thursday we had a district meeting about accountability to our president. We wrote our weekly letters to president which was perfect for me. I hadn't been able to get it done. As I was writing my mind was just spinning and I was feeling like I was not doing enough. I wasn't sure if it was the area or me or what but I just felt like I was failing. Anyway after that meeting I changed my attitude. I began praying harder than ever to be successful and to meet our goals. I was setting goals but I wasn't really doing all that I could to accomplish them. As I prayed that we would have member lessons and find news and find people to baptize things started to happen. Friday we were knocking and we were coming to the end and we still hadn't had any success. We had talked to several people, some nice and others not so nice. We went to a back house and I knocked and this lady answered. Initially she wasn't interested in what we had to say. We asked her if there was anyone she knew that we could talk to. She told us about her neighbor and then told us that she knew someone who had just been baptized. We asked her about it and then she asked us a question about what the difference was between all of the churches. We gave her a pamphlet and asked if we could come back the next day. She told us we could. So Saturday we went back and took a member with us. All night and all morning I was praying that Sister Kennedy could come with us. She is the member that popped into my head when we were planning. She answered and said she could come. I then prayed earnestly that Kristine would be home. And she was. We had a great lesson and she accepted the invitation to be baptized. We were hopeful that she would make it to church but she didn't. She wasn't at her appointment last night either. I felt a little uneasy about going over there without a member so I told Heavenly Father if it wasn't safe to make it fall through. It fell through. It was Monday night so we couldn't bring a member but I have faith that it will work out. Sunday was an amazing day though. Sister Haycock's jaw is still touching the floor after what happened. I am still in shock to tell you the truth. So we went to the first ward and looked for the people we were expecting. We had about 4 or 5 investigators and less active that we were looking for. None of them were there. However we were told by a member that a less active and his non member girlfriend had come. We went and introduced ourselves and they asked to speak to us after church. We talked to them, Natalie and Barry, after sacrament. We went into the overflow to visit for a few minutes. We asked what had brought them to church and then asked them about the service. Natalie loved it! She thought that it was so great that the youth gave talks and that the Bishop was so moved by the spirit. I pulled out the Book of Mormon in my bag( which I had almost taken out of my bag before church) and taught her about it. I read Moroni 10 and she was amazed. She took the book from me and started rereading and stopped listening to me. I have never seen anyone react to the Book of Mormon like that. She started to listen again and Sister Haycock taught about the Restoration. I invited her to a baptism and then she asked me how one became baptized. So I committed her earlier than I planned and she accepted before I even said the word baptism. It was insane! She is being baptized on the 1st. Barry had tears in his eyes and the spirit was amazing. Everyone got the chills. We talked and exchanged information. We took her to Relief Society and she just loved every minute of it. She has truly been prepared. She told us that she had prayed at the beginning of the summer to be led to the one true church. She has been attending different churches and it just never felt completely right. She told us that she felt like she had come home. We gave her a lot of stuff to read but she told us " I might over read if that's ok". Who does that? Someone who is ready and yearning to know the truth. The Bishop walked in when I was asking her to be baptized and he was shocked. He thought we would be exchanging information because we had just met. It was truly a remarkable experience. This is what it is all about! Finding someone who already knows in their heart where the truth is. After church we went to a baptism for the sisters in the Beach ward. I always love going back there. I miss it. It was good to see some old faces. There is a great spirit there. Andrew Wheeler asked me when I was coming back. I said when God needs me back here. We had a great lesson with Rodrigo. We asked him to keep the Sabbath day and he said that he would try. He gave the closing prayer and prayed that they could join one day eventually. I am amazed at the progress they are making. I didn't think we would get anywhere in the beginning but it's happening. Well I hope you all have a great week! I love you all and pray for your success. Bairs I hope all goes well this week as you prepare for this remarkable journey. You are in my prayers! Les quiero mucho! Love Hermana Mickelsen