Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 51

July 28, 2009

Hello everyone!I hope this letter finds everyone happy and well. This week has been incredible! I have started reading my journal over and it is fun to see what it was like the first few days of my mission. That first week was pretty rough but I made it and here I am today. I have truly felt a difference within myself and know that it is the gospel that has changed my life. Well let me tell you about this week. We had a marvelous zone conference on Wednesday. I love zone conference! We talked about sanctification and conversion. It was amazing! I will tell you one thing that impressed me. President talked about how our Heavenly Father called us to our missions not only for the people but for us. He said that we were sent to this mission because this was the best chance we had to become truly sanctified and converted. It really hit me. I know that I needed to be here with President Sexton. He is a remarkable man with such a big heart. I know I needed him in my life to help me make it back to my Heavenly Father. He told us that he doesn't care how many baptisms we have as much as he cares about our personal salvation. He placed us next to his family. It was very touching. I love my mission and my mission president! The stake president in the Huntington Beach North stake talked to us. He told us that we need to seek the spirit and then go. We only receive inspiration and revelation when we are on the go. It's true. We can't pray for the spirit and then expect him to do all the work. We have to do our part and exercise faith before miracles happen. We received permission from President to teach Natalie. Natalie and Barry are planning on getting married and moving into the 1st ward. We are so excited! She is amazing! We have taught her every other day so that she can have enough time to study in between. She reads the Book of Mormon everyday and even takes it in the car and everywhere she goes! She wishes it was Saturday. She is absolutely remarkable! We have gone to several members homes so that we can teach them. Sometimes I'm not quite sure who and where but then a family will pop into my head. I ask them and they are available and excited and then they are a perfect match for the lesson and Natalie. We have a wonderful ward! I love being a missionary! Sister Haycock and I are doing great! We come home exhausted. I don't think I have ever been so tired in my life. The Matthews made it home on Saturday. It was sure good to see them! I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw them. They are so good. The elders came over the other night to teach the Matthews and didn't realize that we lived there. It was pretty funny. I hope that you all have a wonderful time at the reunion! You will all be in my prayers! I can't believe it has already been a year! I have the best family and friends in the whole world! Thanks for all of your love and support and prayers! You are the best! Love Sister Mickelsen

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