Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 67

November 16, 2009

Well I am staying here in Los Alamitos for my last transfer! I am so relieved and excited! When the district leader called he played a mean trick. He made it seem like one of us was leaving. He told Sister Taulanga that she was staying and then he made it sound like I was leaving. It killed me but he told me you are going to Los Alamitos. We were both excited! Yeah! I truly love this area and there is no other place I would rather end my mission. This week has been a pretty good week. I didn't cry! We had a great time with the sisters last week. We played volleyball and ate some good food and just enjoyed everyone's company. I was super sore afterwards though. It was so good to see my old friends! I love all of these girls so much! There were only two that I hadn't met yet but now I know them all. Except for the 2 that flew in this morning. I hope that we have an activity together once more before I leave. We had a great first lesson with the Beaudoin's. It is always a challenge to teach a lesson that you know they have already had in the past. We tried to change it up a little. It went very well but as always the first vision was interupted. Someone knocked on the door right as I was bearing testimony of it. I told them after she left that that always happens. They thought it was pretty funny. Thursday we met some interesting people at the park. I tried to get their address so that we could go and visit them and teach them some more but they didn't want to hear it. They left real quick after that. We helped Kelly make some goodie bags for Mikey and Maddie's birthday party. They were pretty intense. We sewed them and embroidered them. It was no small task. Mikey and Maddie turned 5. They are so funny. Kelly and I sang in church on Sunday. I was super nervous because I didn't have a whole lot of time to practice. It went very well though. Someone came up to me and said "What's next? The Violin?" I replied actually I do play the violin but that is a musical talent that I have not practiced and keep hidden. It was pretty funny, I thought, that she would choose an instrument that I actually played. When we were at dinner Sunday the members we were eating with asked Sister T what her hidden talent was and when she was going to share it. She said I don't have musical talent. We had a good laugh. Brandi was sitting in front of me and Kelly and told us that we could sing anytime that we wanted. I am grateful that I could share my testimony in the ways that I love. The song that Kelly and I sang was about missionary work and feeding His sheep. One member, Sister Hale, made the comment to me that it was a beautiful sight to see me as a missionary singing with a recent convert about sharing the gospel. It truly was beautiful. I love this gospel and I love my mission. Sister Fannin came back home. It was getting lonely without her here. She is leaving again in a couple of weeks and is coming back the day that I fly home so I won't get to see her. funny that we will be in Utah at the same time. I am trying to think of what else happened this week but I am drawing a blank right now. We are having a combined zone conference this week and I am super excited! Both Sister Lauchner and Sister Haycock will be there with us! I love being with other missionaries, especially the other sisters! I am always excited to see President Sexton as well. He is a great man. I know that I was sent here to serve with him. I needed his love and counsel to help me prepare to return to my Father in Heaven. So I just remembered something big that happened this last week. Kenady and Brandy( two young women who were baptized in oct and sept) went to the temple and did baptisms for the dead! I was so so so excited for them and wished that I could have gone with them! The young women's president said that they were in awe when they saw the font. It is a special experience to be in the temple and to feel the spirit there. They both told us all about it when we saw them again. I know that this gospel is true with all my heart! There is nothing more important than living the gospel and preparing ourselves to live with our Heavenly Father again. My heart aches more everyday as I talk to people who don't understand and don't want to understand. This is the message the world needs and they don't even know it. How grateful I am for my testimony and the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father. I hope that you all have a wonderful week! I love you all so much! Thank you for all of your love and support! I could never do it alone!
Love Sister Mickelsen

Week 66

November 10, 2009

Hello! Well another week has come and gone. It has been a pretty good week with adventures as always. Wednesday we were told to go and get swine flu shots and then told not to go and then told again to go. So in short we got swine flu shots. I got the "mist" which was pretty disgusting. I felt all congested and nasty in my sinuses for the remainder of the day. The good part about was that we saw Sisters Lauchner and Vea! It was so fun to see them. They were coming to stand in line just as we were walking out. We talked with them and gave big hugs. The elders told Sister Lauchner she was too loud. We just laughed. It was pretty funny. Sister Taulanga was super excited to see Sister Vea. She went to East High School and played basketball. It looks like the Salt Lake City School district is invading the Long Beach California Mission. Sister T was grateful to hear how long Sister Vea has. It made her mission not seem so long. While we were standing in line there was a lady that got super mad behind us. She was yelling at this poor girl who was just trying to do her job. She was swearing and telling her that she had no right to be treated that way. All I could think was that she sounded ridiculous and that the other girl didn't deserve to be yelled at either. I didn't dare say anything but I just felt bad. It is so sad how mean we can be to each other. We need more love in this world. Wednesday night Sister T woke up with an enormous headache. I heard her get up and use the bathroom and looked at the clock. It was 4, so I just closed my eyes and went back to sleep. Not too much later she turned on the light. I immediately went to my knees to say my morning prayers and then felt too tired so I looked at the clock again and it was 430. So I tried to help Sister T but there wasn't much I could do. I felt bad. I just tried to comfort her the best I could. I mostly prayed. At 630 I called president and he told me to let her rest. She didn't have a temperature or anything so he just said to play it by ear. We talked to the doctor and he was worried it was more than a migraine so he told us to stay in for the day. That is always the worst news. It was a long day. We missed district meeting which was way weird. The rest of the week felt off. She is all well now. Whatever it was it didn't last long. She may have just had a reaction to the shot. Saturday night we had a lesson with Brandi. It was good to just sit one on one with her and talk about her needs and what we can do as missionaries to help her prepare for her baptism. She is great person. I just love her and her family with all my heart. She is making great progress. I love seeing the gospel change peoples lives. There is nothing more rewarding. I played the piano in church on Sunday. I was shaking so bad. I have no idea why I was so nervous but I was! My leg was shaking and it was throwing off everything. Luckily I hid it pretty well and I was able to fake it. Everyone loved it. I was grateful I didn't mess up to horriblely. I think part of it was because the spirit was strong. The speaker right before me was a recently returned missionary. She came home Thursday from Leeds England. She basically taught the first lesson. She also talked a lot about Jesus Christ. I felt like the song that I played echoed her testimony as I played mine. It was an instense experience. Kelly is supposed to do the musical number next week. She was going to play the flute while I played the piano. She discovered that she was so sharp at her flute skills anymore. She hadn't played it in like 4 years. So yesterday we decided that we are going to sing a duet. I haven't sang in church for awhile either. It will be fun. The Los Alamitos ward is going to get sick of seeing my face:), j/k. We had a lesson with a less active family on Sunday. I was super nervous about it because of the situation. I won't go into the details of the situation but it definitely made me want to stay active in the church when I return from my mission. I was worried about how it would go but it went very well. The spirit was very strong and I got all emotional. Especially as I bore testimony of the restoration. It is a powerful message. I know I have taught it over and over and over again. It never loses the power because of its truthfulness. I am so grateful for the restoration of the gospel. For the power of the Priesthood, and the knowledge that we have that we can talk with our Heavenly Father. It breaks my heart to see and hear that people don't believe in God. They just don't understand. He truly does live and His Son lives. Because of Them we are here and because of Them we can be together forever. Nothing else matters. I pray that you all can feel the love of your Heavenly Father. If you don't pray and listen and you will feel it. It is truly remarkable to know that we are not alone in a failing world. I love each and everyone of you with all my heart! You are always in my prayers. Thank you for all of your love, support and prayers. I would have never been able to be where I am today without it. It is just another witness that this gospel is true. Have a wonderful week!
Love Sister Mickelsen

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Steph will be home in 55 days!!! We are all very excited and can hardly stand ourselves.
Here is her address if you want to get her something before she is home.

Sister Stephanie Mickelsen
3421 Lama Ave
Long Beach, Ca 90808

She would love to hear from you.

Week 65

November 3, 2009

Hello everyone! I hope this letter finds everyone doing well! I am doing good! I just love being here! Sorry if this is short my time is short today. I will try to tell you as much as I can. Wednesday we took a little trip to Compton. That was a little scary for me. We were going to a college to receive a swine flu shot. We had to go to a certain place because it was free. So we drove out there and the address was wrong. I pulled over and called the zone leaders. They said they were almost there. Sister T said that we should get out and walk and I said no I am not walking out here. It was a little shady over there. We decided to just drive up the street a little ways and we found the school. We pulled in and it was the right place. We got out of the car and started walking and following the signs. Then I couldn't see them anymore. I felt so out of place. It was a really weird feeling. We asked a nurse and we were headed in the right direction. Elder Anderson called and asked if we had seen the line. I told him we hadn't made it that far. He told us that it was a 3 hour wait! Holy cow! So president told us that we could wait if we wanted but that it would be happening again another day soon. I didn't want to stay there so we left. On our drive home we went through Long Beach. It was a little weird to be driving through the area I was a year ago. Sister T wants to serve there so bad. She was so funny. She was snapping pictures right and left. She was like a little kid at Disneyland. It was so so funny. She was excited to get out and explore a part of the mission that she hadn't seen. I so wanted to pull over and say hi to all my friends in long beach but I couldn't. We had some good experiences this week. We found 2 new investigators. One of them we found the same day that he was referred to us and he was surprised that we showed up the same day. We committed him to be baptized. We were supposed to go back to him today but he called this morning and said that he couldn't. We are making great progress with the Beaudoin's. I just love this family so much. We ate dinner with them yesterday and it was so good! We had some fresh salmon. MMMM.... Well I am doing good. I am tired but I only feel it when I stop. We had a great experience with a member this week as well. We took her with us but the people weren't home. We ended up visiting with her and left her with a thought. I think she needed the visit. It wasn't what we had planned but it was the reason she was in our plans. I hope that you all have a great week! I love you all so much! The church is true! Until next week!
Love Hermana Mickelsen

Week 64

October 27, 2009

I hope that you are all doing well. It has been a pretty good week here in the Long Beach Mission. We have had some challenges but those are expected. One of our investigators left us a message telling us that she didn't think the church was the right fit for her. It always breaks my heart to see people turn the gospel away. They don't understand. It hurt but I know that I did all that I could. I can't make the decision for her. I shared my testimony and I followed the spirit in teaching her and that is all I can do. She doesn't have any hard feelings which is good. I hope that one day she will accept the gospel. We all have our agency. We went to the Halloween party on Saturday. I can hardly believe that it is Halloween on Saturday. Where has October gone? There were so many cute little kids in costume. They had a booth set up for us to hand out pamphlets and such. All of the other booths had games. The kids would come by and see that we had nothing and turn around and leave. It was pretty funny. Sometimes they would stand at a distance to see if there was anything and pretend like we didn't notice that they were looking. We took pictures with a bunch of people which was fun. The Beaudoin's came and they even all dressed up. Brandi was my favorite. We took some great pictures. I couldn't help but laugh. When we took one of the pictures we were trying hard to look tough and not laugh but we both just started laughing. It makes me laugh just writing about it. Mikey and Maddie came all dressed up as well. It was the first time that anyone in the ward met them. They are so funny. Mikey was a red power ranger and Maddie was a kitty. They loved it. They are good kids. When we were at Kelly's last night she wanted me to say the prayer and at the end she said, "Please bless that Sister Mickelsen and Sister T won't get transferred." It was funny. Transfers are still a little ways away but she wants to put her petition in now. I hope that I can stay. I don't think my heart can take another move, but of course Heavenly Father will help me if that is what needs to be done. We started teaching little Ronni. She is so funny. She gave a talk in primary on Sunday. She volunteered herself to give a talk. She thought it would be in Sacrament. She was disappointed that not everyone would get to hear it. It was cute. I didn't get to hear it at church but she did it for me after church. Sister T and I taught the Gospel Essentials class on Sunday. I was so nervous. I'm not quite sure why because I teach everyday in much crazier situations. The topic was the atonement. Sister T said that she rushed through her part because she didn't want to get emotional. I was proud that I didn't lose control myself. The atonement means so much to me. The more you study it and apply it in your life the more real it becomes. You begin to realize just how much love your Savior and Heavenly Father have for you personally. I love this gospel and know that it is true with all my heart. My heart has never been happier. Today we are carving pumpkins with the elders. It should be fun. I don't know the last time that I carved a pumpkin. I am trying to think about what else has happened this week. It all seems like a blur. One long day. We did deep cleaning this week. We do it every 6 months. I love living with members though because it's not as intense. You only have your bathroom and your bedroom to clean as opposed to an entire apartment. And it doesn't take much because you clean those every week anyway. The weather has been beautiful here. I will be sad to leave sunny California. I will enjoy it while I can. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve. I have learned so much and continue to learn everyday. My testimony grows stronger as I study every morning. I know that my Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. It is a blessing to have that knowledge. I hope that all of you are doing well. I love all of you and pray for you always. Have a great week!
Love Sister Mickelsen

Week 63

October 20, 2009

Well it has been an incredible week! I can't even express how much I have felt the love of my Heavenly Father this week. We had 3 baptisms on Saturday. It was so beautiful! Kenady, Sydney and Sara were all baptized by their uncle. I have never felt the spirit quite like I did at this baptism. You could just feel that Heavenly Father had been waiting for this day for a long time. I couldn't look at Brandi the whole day because I had to play the piano. I would have been crying the entire time if I looked at her. I needed to be able to read the music. It was a beautiful day. The confirmations were equally as beautiful. Each one was so personal and exactly what they needed. I can't wait to see the future begin to unfold for this family. This is only the beginning. There was a lot of hard work to get us to the weekend though. It was a long week. I was on my knees many times and there was a constant prayer in my heart. There was a lot of opposition but it made them stronger. Their family from Utah came into town on Friday. It was a joy to meet all of them. I felt like I was waiting for my own cousins to come into town. We were all so grateful that this event was happening. When they left on Sunday morning there were a lot of tears shed. It was one of the best weekends of all our lives. There were several non members there who made comments and were touched by the spirit. 2 of them live in our ward boundaries and we hope to teach them and bring them into the fold. We got another referral from them as well. God is working miracles. Friday night we gave them a little house for Family Home Evening so that they could plan and have FHE. We came over Sunday for dinner and they had it all planned out. Kenady had prepared a lesson about the responsibilities of family members and even left a commitment at the end. I was completely overwhelmed. Sara prepared an activity that would help them draw closer together and bring the love of Christ more abundantly in their home. Ronni picked out a hymn. The parents prayed and Syd made a treat. It was incredible. It truly was a glimpse of heaven. It was a beautiful sight to see 3 newly baptized members teaching by example. The entire family was in the scriptures and participating. I was completely in awe at the sight. Life just doesn't get much better. To top it all off we went to the LA temple this morning. It was so beautiful. I can't believe that my first trip there was 1 year ago. Where has the time gone? This truly has been one of the best weeks of my life. It is so rewarding to see people struggle and stay strong and become stronger. I do not know why I was allowed to be part of this great experience but I am so grateful. Heavenly Father truly loves each and every one of us. He knows us personally and what we need. It is my prayer that I can continue to help this family become an eternal family. These girls that were baptized have the biggest smiles I have ever seen. They always told Sister Lauchner and I that they wanted to glow like us. I told them on Sunday that they all were glowing and that they could continue if they did what was right. We are truly blessed. There is nothing more important in this world than discovering our Savior Jesus Christ and embracing his Atonement. He truly lives and we can change and become like Him. This gospel is true. I am more sure of it than ever before. Sunday there was a missionary who reported his mission. He served in Guatemala. He gave an amazing talk. It was a little touchy for me to think that would be me soon. One thing that I loved was that he said he left thinking that he would pay his Heavenly Father back. But he didn't realize how much more he would be blessed in his mission. I feel the same. Leaving on my mission I didn't realize how much I would be blessed. There is no way we could ever repay for all that we have been blessed with. The only thing we can do is to continue living our lives in harmony with the gospel. I pray that each of you know how much your Heavenly Father loves you. Trust him and follow him and you find greater happiness and peace. I know that is true because I have experienced it for myself. I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you all and pray for you always! Until next week!
Love Sister Mickelsen

Week 62

October 14, 2009

Hello everyone! I hope that this email finds everyone doing well. It has been a great week! As I mentioned last week there was lots of emotions with transfers but all is well. The Beaudoin's are AMAZING!!! My heart just feels like it is going to explode. It is so full of love. I can't even begin to express how amazing it feels to be a part of this family. It has been such a journey for them and to see the happiness that is in their lives because of the gospel is incredible. This is what it is all about. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! The whole family came to church again this week and they stayed the entire time and loved every minute. They have never stayed for the whole thing. One of the girls that is getting baptized stood up and bore her testimony in Sacrament Meeting! That was an incredible experience! This church is so true! How could it not be? I am super excited for the baptism and know that it will be such a blessing to all that are involved. Yesterday we had Zone Conference and it was wonderful! I learned a lot and have a lot that I want to do. There is always room for improvement. I was stressed about talking to president because we needed to talk about my mission ending. When I talked to him though I was at complete peace with the change that will come. He told me that it would be ok. I know that it will but it is always refreshing to hear loving words. I know that it will all be ok and that everything will work out. I don't need to worry about anything right now. He told me as always that the best is yet to come. I believe it. He has been saying that my entire mission and it has just been getting better and better. Sister Taulanga and I are doing great. We are working hard and loving it! She really likes it here. She thinks that I am a missionary genius. I keep telling her that I don't know anything. I am just as young and still have to work just as hard. I just have some experience under my belt. We have been finding out about people from Highland. Lolo is her cousin and he was my first date. Random things. We work well together and it is going to be a good transfer. She is excited about the baptism. It will be her first. The Beaudoin's are super excited for us to meet their family. I am super excited to meet them as well. I know that these last transfers are going to be the best transfers of my mission. I feel the spirit more than ever and I know that the Lord will provide. There have been miracles here in this area and there will continue to be miracles as long as we pray in faith and work hard. The gospel is true. I know it with all my heart. Just when I think that my heart is full something greater happens. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much. It is incredible all that He blesses us with. All He asks is that we keep the commandments. This weekend will be a great experience and I am excited to tell you all about it. You are all in my prayers and I pray that you are all successful and happy. God loves you, I love you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving and supporting me on the greatest journey of my life! Have a great week and I will talk to you later!
Love Sister Mickelsen