Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I know you are all impressed with my skills of staying on top of the letters this week...I'm on Spring Break from work! Steph is being having to be transferred early and is sad about it. She was looking forward to being with people she knew and loved for her birthday. Not that this won't happen in her new area, it is just a change from what she was expecting. I just cried my eyes out this morning when I was talking to her through email. I don't know exactly what she is feeling, but know that it is going to be a little rough for her. So my little blog yesterday about letting her know we love her may have been a litte bit of inspiration. I know that is would make her very happy to hear from you all. Let her know how much you love her!! WE love her!

Week 36

Hello Everyone!
Well another week has passed. This last week some of my former companions were in town and I was able to see them. It was great to see them but very weird because they were no longer my companions. They gave me a great boost of strength. They all ate lunch with President on Saturday and he told them of a little situation. He said that he may have to make an emergency transfer between the sisters. Both Sister Hart and I were sick to our stomachs and we had no idea what we would do if it happened. We fasted and prayed to have the strength to do what was asked of us. Last night we got the dreaded phone call that told us I was leaving. Sister Hart is stressed because of spanish and me not being there. Sister Choi is coming here to the Beach ward and is one transfer behind me. I am so sad to leave here. I just love this ward and I love our investigators so much! My heart feels like it is being ripped out but I know that I can do it. Everything is done for a reason and the Lord will give me the strength to do it. He is always there. I am grateful for new opportunities. We had a wonderful lesson with Raquel. We didn't think that we were going to have a lesson with her because we didn't have much time and she didn't seem to interested. She did however let us in. We taught her the first lesson. I slaughtered the first vision. I have never messed up so bad. I recovered and she didn't notice. At the end she told us that she was excited that we talked about families and that she wants to come to church. We left her with a prayer and tears filled her eyes. It was amazing. I love little moments like these. We also met with Alyse. We had a great lesson with her. She is amazing. She really wanted to come to church but she got called into work. We met her boyfriend and you could see in his eyes just a longing to be back in the gospel. He talked about his mission and you could still see the light in his eyes. She called this morning and was just devestated that I was leaving. I told her that I would write and that I would keep in touch. Easter was wonderful! We had 3 investigators at church! It was a miracle! Everything was just perfect. We came home and the Easter bunny had visited us! We were excited because it was unexpected. We had 2 Easter meals. The first was with 2 couples in the ward, the Schult's and the Goates. Brother Goates sat and talked all about how he was in the same ward as Elder Ballard and Nelson. It was pretty cool to hear about them as young boys. Then we had Easter with the Johnson's. Always a treat. Two of the girls kept annoying one another and Bishop told them to stop and then told us that he was just trying to make it just like home. I just love their family. They have been a big blessing to me and have kept me going here in the Beach Ward. I am hoping to pull a Sister Hart and serve again in the Beach Ward. Well these coming weeks will be a challenge but that is how we learn and grow. If we weren't stretched nothing would happen, we wouldn't go anywhere. At times it feels like we can't do what is asked of us but I have seen the Lord compensate as I have been faithful. The work continues no matter where I am and I know that the Lord will help me through this. There is a bigger plan for me than I can see and I am going to put my trust in my Savior and just keep doing what I do. I love the Lord and I love being a missionary. There is no better work. Thanks for all of your love and support! I love each and everyone of you! Until next week.
Love Hermana Mickelsen

Monday, April 13, 2009

Half Way!!

I promise this it the last one of the day....Steph will be out for nine months on the 23rd of April, which is just two days before her birthday! Transfers are the same week as well, so if you are going to send her something send it to the mission home address.
Here it is
California Long Beach Mission
6500 Atherton Street
Long Beach, Ca 90815

She would love to hear from you all!

We can't believe how fast the time has past us by. Steph is an incredible missionary, I know we have all been inspired by her in one way or another, I think this time would be a great time to let her know how much we love her and are grateful for her and her example.


I maybe repeating some of these photos, sometimes when she sends home her memory card they have some of the same... this is a picture of all the sister missionaries around Christmas I think, Four of these sisters have gone home, two of those were Steph's companions. So both Sister Colwell and Sister Hoover are home. Her current companion is Sister Hart who is standing in front of her in this picture.

Steph wishing she could be in the water...

Week 35

April 7, 2009
Hello Everyone! What a wonderful week it has been! We are so blessed! We visited a lot of people this week which is always a blessing. I am so grateful for the opportunity to visit and meet such wonderful people! Noma is such a sweetheart. She is so funny! She reminds me a lot of my sweet grandmas. They always can bring a smile to my face. We had a great lesson about the plan of salvation. She was at Sister Wiseman's on Sunday and watched part of conference with her there. We had a great lesson there as well. We sang my favorite primary song "I Love to See the Temple". We didn't have the chance to meet with Alyse this week. I was sad but she will come. I am not worried. Things come up in life. Gretchen and Monica are hoping to bring home their last 2 kids. They were taken away from Monica 3 years ago and have been fighting for them ever since. Monica has changed so much and is now ready to be responsible. If all goes well they will be home before Easter. We had dinner with Dorthy this last week. Her boyfriend told her that he wants to be baptized when they get married in June. It will be great to teach him. Miracles are happening everyday as we continue work in faith. We also had a lesson with Brooklynn. She is a hit and miss. We have been trying to teach them for the last few weeks and they always cancel. We were finally able to teach them and it went really well. One of the highlights of the week was General Conference. I truly loved every minute of it! I learned a lot! I loved Elder Holland's talk about the Savior. It was so amazing that I was completely focused on him and nothing else. I couldn't even take notes. Something that I didn't realize before was that Christ died spiritually so that he could know exactly what it feels like for us. And also President Eyring mentioned that he came in the flesh so that he could know how it truly felt. He had the power to experience it through revelation but he didn't. I loved these talks because they helped me realize how personal the atonement truly is. I read alma 7:11-13 in a whole light. I loved the words of President Monson, "Your future is as bright as your faith." All that is going on in the world will be overcome through our faith. We don't need to worry about what is going on around us if we are firm in our faith. We have a bright and promising future if we are but faithful. I loved the focus on the temple. I loved how they taught that the focus of missionary work isn't baptism but the temple. That is our ultimate goal. If everyone could enter in the sacred walls of the temple the world would truly be a better place. All of the talk of the temple made me excited to go to the temple. I went to the Newport Beach Temple today. It was so beautiful! I loved every second of it! I am so blessed to be able to go even if it every 6 months. When I go home it will be much more frequent. I know that we receive power and strength from the covenants of the temple. It is our one true source of peace and rest from this world. I love this gospel and I love this work. My testimony grows everyday. I know that I am only able to do this work this His help. I'm pretty sure I would have given up a long time ago if I was flying solo. I know that he is helping because of the things that I am doing. Yesterday we were at the Bautista's teaching a lesson. I let Sister Hart go first and let her say what she can and what she wants and then she turns to me. If I say a prayer before and I open my mouth, the words come. I don't stumble and I don't think and we all understand. The Lord knows and I know that this is important. If I do my part and I am humble He takes up the rest. I truly don't have to worry about what to say because He will fill my mouth. I have seen it and I know that it is true. I am truly blessed. I love this opportunity and this experience. I am learning and growing everyday. Somedays are harder than others but every one of them is vitally important. May we all think of our Savior this week and His atonement for us. He is there to take us by the hand and walk where He has already walked for us. I promise and know that it is easier with Him by our side. I pray for all you everyday and I am so grateful for eternal families and the temple. Go to the temple and feel of His love and peace. He is the way. Have a wonderful week! I love you!Love Sister Mickelsen

Week 34

March 31, 2009
Well another week has come and gone. I am thrilled that it is general conference weekend. I can't believe it has already been 6 months. The time truly flies! That is why it is so important to enjoy the time that we have been given. We miss out on life if we don't take time to be grateful for all that we have been given. This week has been a busy one. We had another lesson with Alyse. She is a great girl! We helped her friend move in on Tuesday night and then taught her a lesson Friday afternoon. We taught her the plan of salvation. She was full of questions and was so excited to learn more. She asked us what she needs to be doing to be a part of the church. We told her that we will ask her to do some things when we teach her and that if she does them she is doing what she needs. We told her that her testimony is already growing because she has a desire to learn and is doing the things that we ask. I love that she is so prepared and ready to learn. It is such a blessing to teach someone that is truly interested and wants to learn. You don't find that everyday. We taught Cesar english lessons. It is so fun to listen to them speak english. I am sure they enjoy listening to my "gringa" spanish. I truly know how they feel. Cesar asked Sister Hart why she wasn't talking and she told him it was the same reason he wasn't speaking to her in english. It was pretty funny. He is making great progress. He is very different than he was when he left. He came to church Sunday with Osvaldo. It was great to see him there. It was a wonderful Sunday! I just loved every minute of it. In our meetings with the priesthood President Marcum was there with us. He talked about the ships that we have been commanded to build. There are four, 1. friendSHIP, 2. fellowSHIP, 3. temple worSHIP and 4. discipleSHIP. I really liked his insight. These are the different levels of ships that we need to build in the church and as we do we not only prepare ourselves but those around us will follow. He talked about how the less active members will be our biggest help. We never know what their story is and it is not our place to judge whether or not they will accept our visits. Most of the time people are just to scared but we may be just the visit they need. After he left we gave our report and interestingly enought our last 2 referrals came from less actives. Melissa and Alyse both have inactive boyfriends who introduced them to the church and the missionaries. We never know what kind of influence we can have on people. A member of our ward bore his testimony on Sunday. It was beautiful. He has been inactive for 13 years and started coming back a couple of months ago. It was so great to see the light in his eyes. We had a lot of less actives at church. It was a miraculous Sunday. We went to primary again. I love being in primary and hearing their testimonies. It is blessing to be able to play the piano. We had great lessons Sunday evening with some members. Our Stake President is working on comprising a list for the missionaries in every ward. This list will be families who will let the missionaries come and teach their families at a moments notice if all of our appointments fall through. He wants us to be teaching as much as we can and so he is providing a way for us to be productive in the late hours of the day by teaching members of the ward. I think it is brilliant! Sister Hart and I have set a goal to leave a thought with every person we visit. It is going to be a great thing. We have done pretty well before but there is always something to improve. I pray that we will all have an uplifting experience with conference this weekend. We are so blessed to have a prophet who leads and guides us. I know that as we prayerfully and spiritually prepare for this conference we will receive answers to the questions we have. It is a blessing to have someone lead us by the hand back to our loving Heavenly Father. I love you all and appreciate all of your love, support and prayers. It is a great strength to me. Love Sister Mickelsen

Week 33

March 24, 2009
Well another week has come and gone. Sister Hart cut my hair for me and I just love it. I needed a little change. Don't worry it isn't drastic just better. Wednesday we had a marvelous zone conference! It was so wonderful to be instructed and edified. I was asked to play the piano which was a wonderful treat. I didn't do a musical number but I just love playing the piano. We got to see Sisters Brinegar and Choi. They are so cute. I just love being with other missionaries. We talked about being sanctified and we can become sanctified. It was a really great meeting. We also sat in a circle and he taught us the restoration and then we just talked about the principles. It was a great feeling to just sit in a circle and talk like we were all family. I just love being a missionary! Sister Sexton talked to us as well. She wants to make sure that we are being taken care of especially since we are so small in numbers. President showed us the transfer board which was pretty neat. It is so organized and it was fun to see where everyone was. He also pulled out some books that he is keeping for the missionaries that serve in this mission. At the end of our missions we write down goals and a spiritual experience. He puts those papers with our picture and all of the areas we have served and at what times and who we were companions with in a big book. It made me feel special. He also has a sheet for each one of us with our contact information and the years listed until he is 95 so he can contact us every year. There is also space for our spouse and children and our anniversary. He truly loves each and every one of us. He also talked to us about expecting a miracle everyday of our missions. If we have faith and work hard there truly are miracles all around us. Yesterday we were visiting a family and we got a phone call from the mission office. Sister Rose called with a referral that had called one of the elders and wanted a visit at 4 o'clock that day. Sister Rose asked if we could make it and we had an opening at 4. We went over to the house and there was a young girl in her late teens, early twenties. She came outside before we even knocked on the door and invited us in. She told us that her boyfriend was a member but wasn't active. She told us that she had been to a bunch of churches but nothing felt right. Her boyfriend told her about us and she called. We taught her a great first lesson. The spirit was so strong that I just wanted to cry. She asked if there was a church nearby. We told her where we held our meetings. We were a little concerned with the Law of Chastity because she is living with her boyfriend. At the end of the lesson she told us that she had told her boss that she couldn't work on Sundays anymore and that she had told her boyfriend that if she needed to move out that she would. She wasn't going to wait for him because she knows she needs God in her life. We were overwhelmed and we are so excited for this young girl. Her name is Elise. We are going back to teach her tonight. I am continually amazed at how the Lord is blessing the lives of His children. This truly is His work and if we do our part He will lead us to those He has prepared. We left and said a prayer of gratitude for this reamarkable experience. We also had FHE with the Bautista's. I was again humbled by my spanish. I know it wasn't me talking. It just flowed and if I stopped to think to hard I would stumble. Have faith and do not fear. I love this gospel and I love this opportunity that I have to teach and testify of our Savior Jesus Christ. He truly lives and loves us. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love each and every one of you so much and pray for you always. Love Hermana Mickelsen

Week 32

March 17, 2009
Hello my dear family!I hope all is well where ever you may be. You are in my prayers always. This week has been a different experience. My new companion Sister Hart is amazing. We have a great time together and I love listening to her testimony. As I watched her with families that she has never met before I was impressed to hear her say words that fitted exactly to what they needed. She had no idea of their situations but the spirit did and guided her to touch their hearts. It is an amazing experience to teach by the spirit. We don't ever have to do anything alone. If we have a prayer in our hearts we can have the spirit guide our words. Sister Hart is returning to this area after 8 months. She is familiar with the area but she hasn't met anyone that we are teaching. I am the one that does more of the planning because I know the regulars and the times that work for people. It has been a transition for me and will continue to be a transition. I am on my knees for a long time every night pleading for the help of my Savior and Father in Heaven. I can't just sit back and let Sister Hoover or Sister colwell tell me what we are doing. It is so weird. This week has been very fulfulling though. We were very successful and I was relieved that my planning didn't fail us. The biggest miracle of the week is my spanish. I have been super nervous about Sister hoover leaving because that would mean that I have to understand by myself. Sister Hart has never taught in spanish so she is green in her spanish. It was a weird feeling to be the one translating and understanding. I still don't understand everything but I understand a lot more than I did. When we were at the Bautista's this week they drilled her with questions and I was the one that made sure she understood. It was amazing to me how it just flowed. Everyday I thank my Heavenly Father for His help and pray for the continuing help that I am going to need. The Lord truly qualifies us in our weakness if we are humble and faithful. Melissa was confirmed on Sunday and it was a beautiful confirmation. I literally had chills through my entire body. I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost. It is what guides me to the work and comforts me when I think it is too much to bear. He testifies always of the truthfulness of the gospel. I am so grateful for this opportunity to see the gospel touch the lives of this wonderful people! My love for my Savior and my brothers and sisters in the gospel as grown tremendously. It is only through the gospel that we can truly emulate Christ and his love for each and every one of us. I testify that the gospel is true and the Jesus Christ lives. I know that with all my heart. I have seen a change in myself as I have truly strived to live the gospel in its fulness. I know that it can be the same blessing to each of you as you strive to be the best you can. We can all reach our potential through the help of our Savior. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week! I look forward to all of your letters. I can feel your prayers and love. Thanks for being so great!