Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 36

Hello Everyone!
Well another week has passed. This last week some of my former companions were in town and I was able to see them. It was great to see them but very weird because they were no longer my companions. They gave me a great boost of strength. They all ate lunch with President on Saturday and he told them of a little situation. He said that he may have to make an emergency transfer between the sisters. Both Sister Hart and I were sick to our stomachs and we had no idea what we would do if it happened. We fasted and prayed to have the strength to do what was asked of us. Last night we got the dreaded phone call that told us I was leaving. Sister Hart is stressed because of spanish and me not being there. Sister Choi is coming here to the Beach ward and is one transfer behind me. I am so sad to leave here. I just love this ward and I love our investigators so much! My heart feels like it is being ripped out but I know that I can do it. Everything is done for a reason and the Lord will give me the strength to do it. He is always there. I am grateful for new opportunities. We had a wonderful lesson with Raquel. We didn't think that we were going to have a lesson with her because we didn't have much time and she didn't seem to interested. She did however let us in. We taught her the first lesson. I slaughtered the first vision. I have never messed up so bad. I recovered and she didn't notice. At the end she told us that she was excited that we talked about families and that she wants to come to church. We left her with a prayer and tears filled her eyes. It was amazing. I love little moments like these. We also met with Alyse. We had a great lesson with her. She is amazing. She really wanted to come to church but she got called into work. We met her boyfriend and you could see in his eyes just a longing to be back in the gospel. He talked about his mission and you could still see the light in his eyes. She called this morning and was just devestated that I was leaving. I told her that I would write and that I would keep in touch. Easter was wonderful! We had 3 investigators at church! It was a miracle! Everything was just perfect. We came home and the Easter bunny had visited us! We were excited because it was unexpected. We had 2 Easter meals. The first was with 2 couples in the ward, the Schult's and the Goates. Brother Goates sat and talked all about how he was in the same ward as Elder Ballard and Nelson. It was pretty cool to hear about them as young boys. Then we had Easter with the Johnson's. Always a treat. Two of the girls kept annoying one another and Bishop told them to stop and then told us that he was just trying to make it just like home. I just love their family. They have been a big blessing to me and have kept me going here in the Beach Ward. I am hoping to pull a Sister Hart and serve again in the Beach Ward. Well these coming weeks will be a challenge but that is how we learn and grow. If we weren't stretched nothing would happen, we wouldn't go anywhere. At times it feels like we can't do what is asked of us but I have seen the Lord compensate as I have been faithful. The work continues no matter where I am and I know that the Lord will help me through this. There is a bigger plan for me than I can see and I am going to put my trust in my Savior and just keep doing what I do. I love the Lord and I love being a missionary. There is no better work. Thanks for all of your love and support! I love each and everyone of you! Until next week.
Love Hermana Mickelsen

1 comment:

Channynba said...

Keep up the good work girl