Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hermana Hatch, Heramana Na'a, Hermana Mickelsen 
Heramana Na'a, Hermana Hatch, Sister Lindsay, Sister Jackman, Hermana Mickelsen 

Heramana Na'a, Hermana Mickelsen, Heramana Hatch
Hermana Mickelsen, Hermana Tali, Hermana Hatch, Hermana Na'a
the District

are we sitting to close to the Elders? 
Classroom fun...where we spend all our time. 

Hermana Kim and I
Comp FUN!
SORRY! it took me so long to get this up....We've been sick. I got the Flu and then Dad got it too. We started school. Its fine. I have one class that is going to get the best of me. I don't know how I am going to get through it, but I have too!
Ash had Kappa every night this week. Its rush week, so they are trying to convince those that want to join to sorority. Ash is trying to Sell them, funny Huh!
IFA Ogden had there Grand opening this weekend. I went to work on Friday and Saturday. It was madness. I cashier for hours straight, consistant lines.

Week 5

Hello Family! It was so great to hear from all of you! I am so grateful for all of the love and support! It means the world to me! Most times it is exactly what I need to hear to get me through the week! I don't think to many eventful things have happened this week. I have been called as the new coordinating sister for our branch. Which basically means I go to meetings now and report how my companions and I are doing because we don't have any other sisters in our branch. Maybe we will get some more before I leave. We only have 3 districts in our branch now. One came last week and the other came the week before. So it us and a bunch of new elders. We taught our last lesson in english on Saturday. Our last 4 weeks will be spanish only! Crazy! I am so nervous. We got a new district leader Sunday and he has decided that we will play a game called Nativo everyday. In this game there are 2 people that draw a card with an N on it. That means they are the Native and they can only speak spanish. Everyone else tries to get a vote for themselves by speaking spanish. In other words you can't speak english or else you will lose. Monday I only spake english when I was talking to Darin. I had the biggest headache but I did it! I spoke spanish for one whole day! It's hard being the oldest in the Zone because the younger elders don't understand us and no one can translate cause we all have to speak spanish. oh well. Sunday was a really great day. For one I am off the hook! I don't have to worry about speaking the rest of the time I am here! Hooray! One of the counselors in our branch presidency was released on Sunday. They are diminishing 2 Russian branches because we are no longer sending missionaries there and they created 2 new spanish branches. Brother Jackman was called as one of the new presidents. I am sad to see them go but I am sure that I will see them around cause they will still be at the MTC. In relief society Elaine S. Dalton came and spoke to us. It was so wonderful! She said everything that I needed to hear and the spirit was so strong. She gave us a 100% invitation that will help us be happier and more successful missionaries but it will help everyone so I am going to share it with you! 1) pray everyday 2) read in the Book of Mormon for 5 min everyday 3) Smile everyday. These are so simple but make a huge difference in our lives. I have a testimony of the little things. I know they make a difference, I have felt that difference in my life. I have been learning more about myself everyday. This has been an eye opening experience for me. I have never been so humbled or drawn to prayer so many times in my life. Satan works very hard on me. He doesn't want me to be happy but I am getting better at pushing him out quickly. Last night we had Elder Stephen Snow from the quorm of the seventy come and speak. His wife talked about not complaining about the fruit that we have partaken of. We have all partaken of the fruit of the tree of life. This is the best fruit , it is the love of God! We have no reason to complain because we know that our Heavenly Father loves and that He has a marvelous plan for all of us! If we complain someone might not want to partake of the fruit. That really hit me. I see Darin all the time. He has meals right after me. He always comes and says hello or waves. It is so fun to see him! He told me the other day that he would have written me more in my letter from the family reunion if he would have known what it was like to wait for mail and how precious it is. I hope all is well with everyone! Know that the gospel is true and that it is worth it! I have testimony of this gospel and know without a doubt that it is true. I know God will bless us as we strive to do what is right! I love you all!

* Darin is another cousin who is going to Jackson Mississippi.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Today Mikelle Williams called to tell us that you saw her yesterday at the MTC, she said that you gave her a big hug and asked her to tell us that you love us and miss us. We miss you just as much. You are so BRAVE! We are all so PROUD of you! Keep up the great work!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Trent's Letter to you!

Hola Hermana Mickelsen,Como estan las cosas alli en el CTM? Converse con su familia el fin de semana pasada y me dijeron que esta disfrutando la obra misional. Bien hecho. Darin se fue hoy, Miercoles, para el CTM. Cuidalo si lo ves. Hay que estudiar las escrituras, hay que enforcarse en los demas, hay que trabajar duro y hay que bautizar! Se que es dificil aprender la idioma, pero vale la pena. Lo mejor manera de aprender el Espanol es leer El Libro de Mormon en espanol y hablar, hablar, hablar. Demora algun tiempo entender, asi que escucha bien a las conversaciones.
La iglesia es verdadera y bendiciones siempre,
Trent Toone

Week 4

Well I hope I can get everything in! It is hard to only have a half an hour! Sorry if there are mistakes. It was so wonderful to hear from everyone! I really enjoyed hearing about the reunion. It sounds like you had a wonderful time! There is nothing better than family! I saw Drake on Wednesday! I knew where he would be so I waited until all the new missionaries filed out and gave him a big hug. He went to give me a handshake at first and I said we are family we can hug. He gave me the biggest hug. I think we both needed it! He is so great! We sat together at the fireside on Sunday and it was just so great to see him! Thursday my companion had surgery. She had to have a biopsy on some of her bone in her jaw. We find out the results tomorrow. Thursday was a hard day for me. I had my interview with my teacher and I just broke down. It has been overwhelming to miss so much class. My teachers both told me that He is aware and He will make up for it if I continue to work hard. I am learning many things that I never planned on. The Lord is so merciful and always willing to give us blessings! I just love this gospel. I told my teacher Hermana Law(who is an angel sent for me I'm pretty sure) that if I was any other place I don't think I would have the faith that I need to go on. I have been so tired and trying my best but sometimes I don't think it is enough. However the Lord has made up the difference. I have been able to speak more spanish than I ever have and I am gaining more confidence everyday. I think I am finally getting over this darn MTC cold. I thought I got lucky but I woke up with a horrible cough Sunday morning. It seems to be getting better. This week in choir we sang Where Can I Turn for Peace. That song has been the story of my life. I am constantly praying to be better and to be the missionary that I need to be. Next week we will be the oldest district! That is so crazy. I hit my one month mark on Saturday and I only have 4 and half weeks left! Where has the time gone? It is so amazing that the new elders think that I am so amazing at Spanish. I feel like I don't know anything! So last night we had our general authority devotional. They were setting up more than usual during choir so I said its gotta be someone big! And lucky for us Elder Oaks came! He seems to pop up everywhere for our family. When he came in we were singing our last prelude hymn, Our Savior's love. We stood up and the spirit he brought was so incredible. It brought chills. I hope I will always remember that feeling. He talked a lot about having the spirit. That is a pretty big topic around here but it never gets old. I learn something new every time. I can testify that when I can tell when the spirit isn't there when we teach. It makes a huge difference. I have found myself saying things that I wasn't even thinking about. I really love it. It makes me so excited to go out and teach to these people that the Lord has prepared for me! Anyway back to Elder Oaks. His wife talked about when we put on the armor of God our only weapon is the sword of the spirit. Simply amazing. It is our best and only weapon against the world. I love how much I feel the spirit here! On Sunday night we had a fireside where we sang favorite hymns of missionaries and then watched the testaments. It was an incredible night as well. My companions and I came back to our room and talked to sister Allhander and the spirit was amazing. I love you! Time is ticking! I miss you and hope to hear from all you soon! I love you so much and pray that the Lord will bless you!
Where has the time gone? One down only seventeen more. I drove home on Monday. It was the longest drive of my life. I had no trouble fitting not only my stuff but I brought some of Janalee's as well. I don't really know what to do with myself. Its hard to transtion back into friends that you haven't seen in four months. I changed my major to Social Work, I have 4 pre reqs and then I can start the program. The best part is that I can take the reqs at SLCC so I am SAVING MONEY!
Dad flew to Portland tonight for the yearly trip to Far west.
Matthew came over this morning, Dad was mowing the lawn and He had to Mow it with Dad. Dad held him for as long as he could and then he couldn't do it anymore because his arm was to tired. Matthew has quite the attitude. He is so handsome though.
Momma has another job at NAC. She is now doing Purchasing too. What would they ever do with her.
Ash started school as well. She is taking Jewlery class, she is really excited for it. She just got back from Ice blocking, she biffed it really good. Her white shirt is now green.
Hannah is down to the 2 week appointments. Brooklyn is growing.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Drake is now in the MTC. I talked to Clarissa Jane yesterday and she said that she doesn't think that is really hit Drake until they told everyone that it was time to go. She said he was crying so bad he wanted a bag to breath into. Such great experiences our familys get to enjoy together. The Munns brought Gram's car back down with them, I guess that it need some work done on it so Derek did it. They left it at the house and then went to Provo. They asked Dad if he wanted to join them. He declined cause he thought he might see you.
Matthew is walking.
The Summer Olympics are so great! Micheal Phelps has all Gold Medals so far. He has like 11 Gold medals which is the most of any Olympian.

Week 3

It was so great to hear from you! I really enjoyed hearing about the reunion! I wish I could have been there! I was really looking forward to Montana but maybe we can do it again after I get home. I am so excited for Drake to come today! I am excited to see him but I more excited for the experience for him. There truly is nothing better! It can be very hard but it is all worth it! I have had some interesting experiences this week. Lets see if I can remember it all. Wednesday night I locked us out of our room so my companions and I had to walk to the front desk with no shoes and in our pajamas to get a key. It was quite funny. The district in our zone that has been delayed got reassigned that day and they were all in the front lobby calling home. I was anticipating seeing anyone I knew. Oh well. Hermana Na'a went to San Fransico on Thursday and then to Denver on Friday to visit the consulates of Honduras and Guatemala to get her visas. She was very tired and spent Saturday recooperating. Sunday was good like it always is. Sundays and Tuesdays are my favorite days, and now Wednesdays cause I know that I will hear from you. Our speaker for relief society was Anne Farnsworth who is on the general board. She is Anthony Cannon's aunt. She told me that he got married in like June to Becca his highschool sweetheart. Darn it! J/K. She also was Mission president with her husband in Orlando and was there when Annie was there. Small world. She was so great and was so excited for all of us. I love all of the love that everyone has for the missionaries! After sacrament meeting we went up to the temple to take pictures as a district. It was really windy and stormy but we did get some good pics. I will send them home soon. We didn't get a serious one but it is funny cause it is just how these elders are. Two of them went to Guatamala yesterday. It was sad but all is well. Three districts have left in the last 2 weeks. It is super weird cause the laundry room is practically empty. It makes it nice to be able to get a computer quicker and you don't have to wait for a machine to use. We get a new group today but there are no sisters. Hermana Na'a is leaving next week so we will be down to 2 sisters. We get a lot of special attention. Hermana Na'a was supposed to leave yesterday but she woke up Monday with a sore mouth and her gums were super swollen. We took her to the clinic and the doctor sent her to an endodontist. I went with her cause Hermana Hatch had an appointment and we didn't know if we would be back. When we got to the endodontist he couldn't do anything and sent her to the oral surgeon. He took another xray and decided that she needed a ct scan cause he couldn't tell what was causing the inflammation. So the shuttle came to pick us up and we were headed back to the MTC clinic but on our way back they told us we needed to go to another clinic and get her ct scan. At the end of the day we had no answers and had visited 4 doctors. She went to the oral surgeon again yesterday and has a surgery scheduled tomorrow to remove her nerve or something like that in her left mandible. Hopefully all is well so she doesn't have to be delayed another week. It is a blessing that they found it here rather than in guatemala or honduras. It was so weird to be out in the world. You get used to the spirit and you really don't have distractions here. Last night was our devotional. We sang consider the lilies in choir, one of my faves. Gary J Coleman was our speaker. He is one of the seventy and he is a convert. His message was really inspiring. It talked about how easy it can be. He always asks for business cards and then sends them literature. Anyone can do that. I hope all is well at home. I love you and so grateful for all of your love and support! I love this gospel and know that it is true! I am amazed at how much I grow. Love you and miss you!

*Annie was one of Steph's roommates this last semester at Utah State. She was a great example to Steph. Her experiences of serving her own mission influenced Steph's decision.

* Anthony was one of Steph's many high school crushes. He is a really great guy! He was always to good to Steph.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Week 2

Here is the first Email.

This week has been good. Pretty busy like always. Sundays and Tuesdays are my favorite days. On Sunday we had mission conference and our mission presidency and their wives spoke. I really enjoyed their talks. My favorite talk was about using the talents that we have been given. They also said that we can never compare ourselves to other missionaries because we are all unique and have different talents. When we share our talents we serve others. I really liked that insight. In sacrament meeting I understood probably about 90% of the meeting. Amazing isn't it? I've only been here 2 weeks! I have a long ways to go but I am making good progress. I haven't had to speak in church yet, it makes me nervous. Maybe I'll never have to. Sunday night I sang in the choir. We sang Look at the World. It was beautiful! I think the MTC choir is my favorite choir. The spirit is so strong when you sing. I just love it! I also love it when we sing Called to Serve. There is such power when you have over 2000 missionaries singing that song. The feeling is incredible! Saturday night we taught our first lesson to investigators. It went pretty well. We struggled a little in keeping it simple. My companion likes to talk a lot and we have had to condense our lessons a lot. She will talk and talk and talk cause she is afraid of silence. I try to reassure her that we will take over. We are making progress. We taught another lesson to some elders in our zone on Monday night and we did even better. It just takes practice. These elders have been here since May 14th. They are on visa delay and were supposed to leave like 3 weeks ago I think. There are two elders that went to Madison High with Drake, Elders Willmore and Klinger. They are very nice and optimistic about this delay. I wasn't even supposed to meet them. My district was supposed to replace theirs so we were both district D but now they are district X. It's a big joke around here. My companion Hermana Naa is leaving on Monday for Guatemala to go to the MTC there. I am so sad! I just love her! She loves looking at pictures of Matthew. She just wants to take him with her. She is so funny. In our lesson the other night the investigator asked her a question and then she answered and then turned to our other companion Hermana Hatch and said"Hatch say something". It took a lot to not laugh until we were done with the lesson. She has to travel to san fransico tomorrow and then denver on friday so that she can pick up her visas for honduras and guatemala. She leaves the MTC all the time. I am glad that I am not an international. I hope that you have fun at the reunion this weekend. I really wish I could be there but I will go to Montana when I get home. I saw Brother Clark on Monday! It was so great to see him! I had been looking forward to Monday and then I completely spaced that he would be here. My companions and I had to go to the travel office and the front desk monday morning and on our way he was coming down the hall. I was so excited! I got to visit with him for about an hour at lunch. It was really great! It made my day. Well my time is up! I love you and I am excited to hear from you! Hope all is well! I know this church is true. I love this work and this gospel! I miss you! All my love!

*Drake is our counsin from Mom's side of the Family that is entering the MTC on August 13th. He is headed to Baton Rouge, Lousisana.

*Brother Clark was the Principal of the Seminary while we were in High School. Steph has kept in contact with him. He has infulenced all of our lives. He is a one of the most Christ like men I have ever meet, a great example of how Latter day Saints should be living there lives.
So I (Meagan) have shared all the required information for everyone to contribute to the blog.  Everyone is afraid of technology I guess.  I am in California, not where you are sending letters too.  Mom has read your letters to me over the phone.  I tear up every time.  Your letters have told us that you are enjoying your time, your love for your companions, and your anxieties.   You are such a strong girl. I admire you!  

I only have 10 more days in California, and I can't wait.  Sales are not so good.  Ivvy is in town and we sold 12 yesterday, we went mini golfing, I had a sweet hole in one.  Today its 5:20pm and we have one sale.  YIKES!!! 

Mom, Dad, and Ash, with the rest of the Mickelsen crew are living it up in Montana.  Ash called just after they got there, and said that the lake is huge and its so pretty.  I like you am very jealous we aren't there.  But it'll be so great to go up there when you get home.  
Char and Hannah didn't go because they were just in Butte two weeks ago.   I guess Matthew screamed for two hours! I wouldn't want to go either.  They are however going to Rexburg for Drakes Farewell this weekend. YAY! for Missionaries!