Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 53

August 11,2009

Hello dear family and friends! I hope you are all doing well. I am doing great! At the beginning of last week I didn't know how we were going to make it through the week. As the week progressed the few appointments we had fell through. Needless to say we did a lot of praying and looking. We were able to find a family. We didn't find any new investigators the previous week and we have been trying to find people but haven't been very successful. I was praying hard that we would be able to find someone and that we would know what to say. We had gone through the area books to find some potential people to try. We stopped by one of them and I prayed before we went to the door that if he didn't answer and someone else did that they would be receptive and that I would have the courage to ask them to learn as well. Juan answered the door; he wasn't the man we were looking for. He didn't have time then to listen but said we could come back and teach his family. The Lord really does answer prayers. Our district meeting this last week was on our accountability to the Lord through our prayers. I have seen a difference as I have truly given an accounting of my day and help for meeting our goals. Prayer can always be improved. We should evaluate often because we can get in a routine very easily. We had an amazing sacrament meeting on Sunday. The speakers talked about the importance of family home evening. I just had tears in my eyes. The blessings that come from holding family home evening are amazing. We are promised protection from the world and strength as a family. I made it a goal and promised Heavenly Father that I would always have family home evening. Sister Haycock and I are doing great! I had a dream the other night that she was going to train next transfer. I hope it doesn't come true. I still want to be with her. We will see what happens. Well time is short and I gotta run but I love all of you so much! Thanks for your prayers and love and support! Have a great week and I will write soon! Love, Sister Mickelsen

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