Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Week 60

September 29, 2009

Hello everyone! I can hardly believe that another week has come and gone! It seems to speed up everyday. This week has been great! We have had some great success as well as some funny memories to go along with it. So I will start with a funny story. So we live with a sweet widow and every Friday morning after studies we do some service for her. This week we helped her clean and vaccum in preparation for her daughter who is coming tomorrow. After we finished Sister Lauchner asked if she could fix the shower. It did not turn to cold at all when we had taken showers. Sister Fannin was glad to show us how to fix the problem. So we gathered up the tools and all huddled in the bathroom to watch how it was done. We began by taking apart the handle to get to the shower valve. We got a thorough description of how a shower valve works. I had never seen one or knew how it worked. So we were about the the valve and we were removing the last part. Can anyone see where this is going? We took out the part that keeps it intact and the shower valve started to come out by itself. Then all of a sudden it shoots out and water is spraying everywhere! Sister Fannin's face was priceless! She was very startled and she lifted her finger and said quickly " I need to turn off the water!" She ran outside soaking wet to do the job. Sister Lauchner and I just started laughing so hard! It was one of the greatest moments ever! We couldn't stop laughing. When Sister Fannin came back in she said. "Rule number one when doing plumbing is to turn off the water." We all started laughing again. Oh it was so funny! I was reading some directions and the first thing is said was to shut off the water supply, I read it out loud and we laughed some more. Sister Lauchner is excited to watch that one in heaven. We are still laughing about it today. Wednesday we had a great lesson with Jesse. He is a 17 year old that we met last Sunday at the Bakker's. We taught him outside because no one else was home. It happened to be 104 that day. It was hot! But we survived. We came to church on Sunday. We also taught him Sunday night and we will be teaching him again tonight. He is making great progress. I pray that the spirit will continue to touch his heart and guide him in this precious time of his life. We had a good lesson as well with Janet. Austin(her son) didn't come home for the lesson but that is ok. We finished teaching the plan of Salvation. Janet is so great. She always tells us that she wants to be as happy as we are. The gospel truly does make a huge difference in our happiness. It is the only way to have happiness in this troubled world. I loved the Relief Society Broadcast! It was so great! I am super excited for general conference this weekend. I know that we are so blessed because we have these great men who lead us and love us just as the Savior does. We had 2 investigators come to the broadcast! Woohoo! They both enjoyed it. One of them was Jackie the mother of Brandy. Brandy was baptized a couple of weeks ago. Jackie has been very busy and stressed and so we were excited that she was able to come and feel the spirit. She was taking notes and just loving it. I am grateful for the joy and peace the gospel can bring. The other person that came was Sara. She is a sweetheart. I was glad that she came. She enjoyed it and was asking a lot of questions. We ate some dinner afterwards. Sister Sexton was there because we are in their stake. I also saw Sister Gallik. That was a nice surprise. She was more surprised to see me because she didn't know that I had been transferred. She is busy in school and doing well. I am so grateful for the short 2 weeks I had with her as my companion. The Beaudoin girls and their mom were all at church on Sunday. It was a great meeting and the spirit was there. I think that all who came enjoyed it. The chorister asked me last week if I could play a musical number in November. I told him that I would I was still here. I told him that transfers were coming and that I might be moved. He saw me on Sunday and his wife said that she had reported to him that I was staying. They were disappointed when I told them that we still hadn't had transfers. It is hard to believe that another transfer has passed. I don't like to think about how many I have left. I just keep enjoying every minute and do the best that I can. Sister Lauchner and I have tried to predict this next transfer. Two sisters will be training. She seems to think that it will be me because I am the oldest. I know that age in the mission has nothing to do with it. President will match them perfectly with the sister that they need. It would be a great privilege to train again but I also know that I will be happy to do whatever the Lord wants. I have felt over and over again with each change that I am where the Lord needs and my companion is exactly who I need to help me grow and be better. Each transfer has been filled with challenges but I have also grown and changed so much because of those challenges. The gospel is true. This is the Lord's work and we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. That will never change. He will always love us and guide us as we seek His help. We can't do His work alone no matter who we are. God lives. I know it with all my heart! I hope you all enjoy this great conference weekend! It will be evidence that God loves you and is aware of you and your life if you take the time to prepare yourself to receive that witness. I love you all and pray for you daily! Have a great week! Until next time!Love Sister Mickelsen

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