Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 41

May 19, 2009
This week has been so great! One of the highlights of the week was the primary activity. Sister Brinegar and I were invited to talk to the kids in the Fountain Valley 2nd ward and talk to them about our missions. It was so fun. As I was telling them about my decision to go on a mission tears filled my eyes as I said it is true. That is the real reason that I am on a mission, because it is all true. It was a wonderful reminder of the greatness of this gospel and the love I have for it. We talked for about 10 minutes and then the kids asked us questions. It was really great. The children are so great and have sweet spirits. Another highlight that wasn't exactly fun but crazy was the earthquake. There was 5.0 earthquake in North LA but we felt down here in Fountain Valley. We had come home and we were visting with the Matthews when all of a sudden the house started shaking and we could hear rumbling. It was pretty crazy. It got my heart racing and it took a few minutes for it to calm down. It was quite the experience. Nothing happened to anything in the house or to us but it shook me up:). We were nervous it would happen in our sleep but nothing did. Yesterday we visited our dear Hazel. Oh how I love her! We gave her a birthday card, her birthday is Thursday and she will be 90!!!! We sang "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus" and she just loved it. We did too! The spirit was so sweet. We have had some great lessons this last week. We are teaching a less active lady who sometimes just doesn' t seem interested. It is frustrating sometimes because we feel like she isn't connecting and we are just going through a checklist. This last week we decided to teach her about faith as a principle of action. When we got to her house she asked us about the word grace and asked us to define it. So we opened the bible dictionary and it says that we are saved by grace after all we can do. So we have to do our part in order to receive grace. It was amazing how perfect in lead into what we wanted to teach. We didn't the lesson we had planned to teach with it but we taught what she felt she needed. I love when the spirit confirms what you have prayerfully selected. It was what she needed because she asked about it before we even said anything. This truly is the Lord's work and He will help if we seek it. So Saturday night we visited Grandma and Grandpa Rowe. THey make sure we are full before we leave of all the goods. Even if you say no Grandpa still gets it for you. He had gotten me a root beer float and then asked Sister Brinegar if she wanted one as well. She said no but he brought her a can of root beer and then gave her a bowl of ice cream. He told her that she wanted it she just didn't know it. We were all laughing pretty hard. Grandma Rowe is going to take us to the airport because we have to be there so early and we don't want to bother the other sisters. There is no reason that they should get up so early. Then she will just drop me off in Westminster around 6 or so where we will wait until the afternoon to pick up the newest sister. Crazy times. Well it has been another wonderful week. I love being a missionary and I am so grateful for this sacred opportunity. I love all of you and hope that you have a wonderful week. I pray for you all always!
Love Hermana Mickelsen

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