Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 40

May 12, 2009
Hello my dear family! I hope you are all doing well! I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day! Mine was so great! It was wonderful to be able to hear your voices and chat just like old times. There is something about hearing the words I love you instead of just reading them. I was moved to tears when I heard you ask how I was doing and how my foot was. I know you are always wondering that and I am doing great but it was good to hear you ask instead of reading it. After we hung up it was back to work. We had the privilege of attending a baptism in the Beach ward. Byron was baptized and it was so wonderful! The spirit was so sweet. Byron was wiping tears the entire time. He is a choice spirit and has a strong desire to follow his Savior. There is nothing better than a baptism. We sang "A Child's Prayer" with the elders and other sisters. It was pretty funny. We sang it all together and then when it broke into parts the elders stopped singing. It was an abrupt ending which made us all laugh. The church is still true. I was able to see Bishop Johnson and his wife and the Wheeler's. It was so great to see them! I miss them a lot. They have had such an impact on my life. I look forward to the friendship that we have created and know that it will continue beyond the mission. Sister Hart told me that another of our investigators as decided to be baptized. I am so excited for her and the miracles that are happening in the Beach ward. There are miracles happening throughout the mission. What a great work to be involved in. Our mission exceeded our standard of excellence for baptismal dates for the first time. We had 12 baptisms this last week. The Lord truly blesses us as we move forward in faith, nothing wavering. The Church is true. The Book of Mormon is true. I am about to finish it again this week and I never stop learning. Take time to read it everyday and you will be amazed at the difference it will make in your life. I love this gospel. It truly has been restored and we are so blessed to live in such a time. I love each and everyone of you so much! Thanks for being such great examples to me. Have a wonderful week!
Love Hermana Mickelsen

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