Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Steph has been on her mission for 5 Months. It is a very crazy for us all. She is amazing! There isn't a week that goes by that we don't just cry through her letters. We do miss her but that is not why the tears fall. It is the spirit that we feel through her letters. We are being blessed daily because of her service, and know that she is being blessed daily. We are so Grateful for her!
Steph loves to take pictures of the sunsets. This one is my favorite, such pretty colors.
I think this is at regional Conference...

This kind of looks staged to me, who knows if it is or not.

There are six sisters in the Long Beach Spanish mission, here are four of them.

Steph is really good at burning towels in the mircowave. I'm not sure why she puts in the mircowave. This is the first one on the mission

I don't remember this families name but they love the missionaries. He made Steph a tiki.

Sister Colwell and Steph's Christmas card. By the time they sent it out it was no longer current.

Her Christmas tree.

A day in great would it be?

Her new Companion, Sister Hoover.

Her family wall....if you look closely you will notice that it is a wall of Matthew.


Channynba said...

this is awesome...keep up the good work Stephanie.

~H said...

The mission is so amazing! Enjoy every minute of it! Document everything you feel impressed to. Don't let a moment pass you by! These sweet people are so blessed to have you sharing the gospel with them! Give them all your heart and they will become a part of your sweet family! I am so excited for you! Congrats! Keep us updated!