Thursday, March 12, 2009

Week 30

March 3, 2009
Hi Family,
I am sorry that this is so short but it has been a crazy day! We were in Long Beach so that Sisters Hoover and Colwell could go to the temple. The Long Beach Sisters were in an accident on Sunday so we had to pick them up and back track to Presidents. It has been a long day but a great one! I love being with Sister Colwell and Sister Choi is a sweetheart! We visited the Kavea's and Brother Kavea brought me a wooden sea turtle from Tonga. They didn't know I was coming but they got for me and were going to give it to me when they saw me again. I miss them so much! Melissa is getting baptized on Sunday! We met with her before church Sunday and committed her to baptism! She is so excited and is reading the Book of Mormon on her own! She basically commits herself! She is truly amazing! She lives out of our boundaries but still in our zone so we can still go to her baptism. She is a miracle to Sister Hoover and I! The Lord truly has prepared her! I love her! We had family home evening and dinner with her at the Johnson's. We couldn't have asked for a greater blessing. I am sorry that the rest of your post cards didn't come! I sent one to everyone. I hope that the rest come soon! I will write a letter to you all today and tell you more about my week! I apologize again for the briefness of my letter. Thanks for the package! You are all so wonderful! Have a wonderful week! You will all be in prayers as you gather together this weekend as a family. I would be nothing without you! I love you!
Hermana Mickelsen

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