Thursday, March 12, 2009

Week 28

Feb 17, 2009
Well another week has passed and I can hardly believe it. The week has been pretty good. Never exempt from challenges but always learning. Tuesday night Sister Hoover and I felt overwhelmed. Sister Hoover was in tears after out meeting with the Bishop. She is feeling very stressed about ending her mission. I'm sure I will feel the same. We went back to the church and asked if she could get a blessing. The Bishop of course was very willing. I didn't want to ask for one because I knew he was behind schedule but I really felt like I needed one. After Sister Hoover was finished Bishop looked at me and could read my face. I asked and he accepted and willingly gave me a blessing as well. I love Bishop Johnson. He is one of the greatest men I know. I know my Heavenly Father loves me and is aware of my needs. We must be humble to receive them. Something I am constantly working on. Wednesday we went to dinner with the Tanner's. While we were there the Jazz vs. Lakers game came on. I happened to glance at the TV and see that they were playing. Of all the times for that game to be on. Of course I was curious to know who won and was pleased to find out the Jazz had pulled it off. I haven't thought about the Jazz in a long time. Darn Satan. We had a great lesson with the Flacks. We haven't been able to get in their home to teach for a couple of weeks. We talked about church and the blessings we receive from going to church. The tension is quite thick in that house. Coming back to church will help a great deal but it is hard to take that leap of faith. It is hard to go into homes where there is so much going on and you can only teach and testify. We both know what they need but all we can do is teach and pray. We can't make their choices for them. It is hard to watch people struggle. It makes me so grateful for all of the blessings that I have. I was privileged to be raised in the gospel and to have the blessings in my life. I am learning the importance of the gospel and how big the little things are. I may not have understood why I needed to go to church when I was young but now I appreciate church so much. I am grateful for the habits and principles I was taught so that it would back me up and be a testimony that I didn't even knew existed in such strength until now. Thank you to everyone for showing me how important family and the gospel are to be happy in this life. All we have to do to be happy in this life is live the gospel. We had a great lesson with Noma on Friday. She was having a hard time understanding how we can know. We told her it is like describing the taste of salt. I know exactly what it tastes like but I can't describe to someone. You have to taste it for yourself to know what it really tastes like. The light bulb went on. We talked to Brother Capps about the world today and showed him how it is the same throughout history. He was surprised when Sister Hoover pulled out a scripture in the Book of Mormon to explain exactly what he was feeling. He asked us when it was written. She shared a scripture from Ether. The people are being told that they can obtain the blessings of the Promised Land (America) if they would but keep the commandments and remember their Savior. How great would the world be today if we all remembered Jesus Christ? If we all strived to be like Jesus Christ we wouldn't be facing the problems that we are now. We gave some heart attacks for Valentine's Day. We got caught on 2 of the 3. They were all excited. I got a valentine from Noah. It was his birthday so we went to a transformer birthday party and got spider man valentines. It was fun. Sunday our dinner appointment called and cancelled while we were at ward council. Bishop Johnson invited us over to have prime rib and twice baked potatoes. It was berry yummy. Yesterday we didn't do too much because I have been grounded to only set appointments. My foot is in pain and I try to deny it but Sister Hoover made me call Sister Sexton. So now I am going to doctor to see what is wrong. I pray that it is not serious but we shall see. We had a great lesson with Marcela. Her testimony is growing everyday and she has great faith. I love talking to her. I hope you all have a wonderful week! I pray and think of you all often. The gospel is true and we are so blessed as we live and abide by its principles. I love you!

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