Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week 25

Hola Family
Well I can hardly believe how quickly the time goes. This week I will hit my 6 month mark! I still feel so brand new and yet I'm not. I was reading through my journal and letters this last week and was amazed at myself. Sometimes we don't see our own progression until we look back. The gospel truly blesses our lives. This week was really great. We experienced many miracles and I am beginning to trust my thoughts as impressions from a loving Heavenly Father. Tuesday night after we met with the Bishop we went to visit a family in the ward. The Bishop asked us to visit the Ridolfo's and we had felt the same. We went over there and the tension could be cut with a knife. Something was way off in the home. We talked with Sister Ridolfo and asked her if she could take Gretchen to the doctor for us on Wednesday. She hesitated but accepted. We talked to her for awhile and then she ended up giving us some dinner. We helped her move some furniture in their bedroom. It was fun. A couple of days we went back. We took her some brownies to thank her for her service. She was very grateful. This time when we went over the problem revealed itself. I'm not quite sure what we are going to do but we both feel like this family needs some extra spiritual care right now. The Bishop asked us to do a challenge that we did with his family. We both feel that it will work wonders with this family. I almost forgot! Tuesday we went to President Sexton's house for lunch. It was so much fun! It was so great to see my dear Sister Colwell! Oh how I miss her! If I don't stay companions with Sister Hoover this next transfer I won't see her again. I don't want to think about that one. We had a wonderful meal and it was just so great to talk with all of the Hermanas! They let us linger as long as we wanted and we took pictures as well. It was so fun! He told us that there are no missionaries scheduled to come in for March or April. The latest they can enter the MTC is in February so we will have to see. Hopefully we will be getting some missionaries and sisters! On Wednesday we had one of the best lessons you could ask for! The spirit was so strong! I felt like I was going to burst! We were teaching Noma. We planned to commit her to baptism. The night before after we had finished planning I had the thought to call Florence Wiseman and invite her to the lesson with us. Sister Hoover had the same thought during the prayer so we called her. She was already planning on going over there to take her to lunch and so we made it a date! During the lesson we discovered why Sister Wiseman needed to be there. She didn't agree to be baptized anytime soon but she knows she needs to do it. She is scared to jeopardize her relationship with her daughter. I think she is very torn. The gospel softens hearts. Yesterday we cleaned a huge fish tank. Sister Hoover was in heaven! She kept asking me if I wanted to pet the fish. I just shook my head and said no. It was fun but so gross. I had to go home and change my skirt. I had T-shirt on but I got water on my skirt and I didn't want to smell like fish for the rest of the night. We had family home evening with the Bautista's last night. Cesar taught and it was good. We try to help them teach so that when we leave they can do it without us. They are such a great family! They are always doing all they can to help us. I can't believe that both of my companions will be returning home in a short few weeks. Sister Hoover tells me not to remind her but I tell her that it is 2 months of my mission gone too. There will be a lot of change for me in this transfer or the next. I am excited but really curious to know what president will do. Whatever happens I know that it will be under the direction of the spirit. I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you! Hermana Mickelsen

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